103. Death

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Art by @vnzndt on Twitter

Sapnap POV

"You're a monster!" George screams. "Yes he did bad things but he doesn't deserve death! Remember what we used to be!"

George knocks my sword out of my hand he swings again.

My hand reaches out to stop him but a sharp impact on my side sends me to the ground.

Warm, wet blood pours onto my hand as it goes to clutch the injury.

Black spots begin to dance in my visions as everything eventually goes dark.

All I see is darkness. Suddenly, my body lands with a thud on something hard. (Shut up, you dirty-minded—)

Groaning softly, I slowly rise to my feet. My eyes are open but my vision is still dark.

"Hello?" I hear a voice call out.

"Dream?" I stumble through the darkness. "Where are you?"

"Uh, I don't know. But I do know that we're both in limbo," Dream replies. His voice seems to get louder and softer at times. "Thanks to you."

"What do you mean thanks to me?! You attacked Kinoko Kingdom first!" I yell into the darkness.

"I told you if you'd just give me my armor, I'd leave you alone. You chose this. I asked you nicely multiple times."

"Yeah, and I said no because I knew you would use it to hurt people!"

"I hurt more people trying to get it!"

Dream stays quiet for a few minutes.

"It doesn't matter now," he whispers quietly. The darkness presses onto us like a blanket. "We're both stuck here. We'll never see anyone but each other. We'll never see the ones we love."

"The one I love," I correct. "I have Karl. You have no one. Y/N betrayed you, admit it. I don't know what you did with her but I know you went after her. Sam keeps saying you had her locked up in the prison."

Dream chuckles softly, the sound echoing around us.

"Only partly true."

"What does that mean?"

No answer.

The sound of footsteps moving closer makes me back up until I'm slammed to the ground. A heavy weight lies on top of me.

With a gasp, I shove at whatever is holding me down.

"So at least your solid here," Dream's voice muses. The weight suddenly lifts off me. I stand up quickly and grasp at the empty space.

My hands intertwine with his as I grasp them tightly.

"Let go!" he yells harshly.

"You're all I have here Dream. And I hate to say it but as much as I hate you, you'll keep me from going insane."

Dream grumbles.

"I wish I was out of here. I want to be free."

"Not after all you've done Dream," I say, he continues to try and pull out of my grasp.

"I did it for the greater good," he spits out. "You don't understand but one day you will."

He continues trying to free his hands from my grasp when he suddenly stops altogether.

"Wait! What's happening?!" his voice grows fainter. I feel his hands start to disintegrate in my touch. I let go with a yelp.


ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now