76. Jailbreak Part 2

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Art by @Annieplants on Reddit

Dream POV

I stumble back into the water with a splash. I struggle to regain my footing on the loose gravel and glance back at the river bank. Y/N stands there, sword raised. I realize that she was the one who hit me into the water.

A sword slams down on me and I put my shield up, blocking the blow.


He swings at me which I counter with my own sword. Another sword comes down from above me and I swim out of the way.

I turn to see Sapnap on my left, Y/N on my right, a guy I don't know charging at me with his sword out, Punz boating toward me with his axe swinging, Sam swimming toward me, and another guy I don't know shooting me with arrows.

Oh fuck.

I dodge the arrows and swim to land. The group quickly pursues me as I scrambled up the sand. A hand grabs my shoulder and I turn to see Y/N's purple eyes before her sword hits me in the chest.

The blow sends me reeling back as I stumble down the hill. It gives me time to sort my items and eat a golden apple. I glance up to see the rest sprinting at full force toward me.

"Dream get back here or I'll kill Ranboo!" Sam yells. I turn to see Sam holding his sword over Ranboo with Bad next to him. Ranboo starts taking off his armor.

"I don't care about Ranboo!" I yell. "Techno! Let's go!

What? How does Sam know? I don't really need him anymore, I just needed information while I was in the prison. Now I'm out, he's not needed.

"You leave Ranboo alone!" Techno smashes Punz in the chest and runs toward Sam. He stops, watching Sam's sword which is pressed against Ranboo's neck.

"Techno I'll kill him! Bring Dream to me!"

Why would Techno turn against me? I need to get out of here before he changes his mind.

"Techno let's get out of here!" I yell. More swords clash with mine as I decide to pearl away to give myself time to heal. The second my feet make contact with the ground, I eat a golden apple and continue sprinting away.

"Everyone else can leave! I only want Dream!"

Tommy glances at me, our eyes meet for a brief second and I smirk at him. His face quickly fills with terror and he turns away.

"Tommy stay back!" Sapnap yells. He launches himself at me again.

"What are we doing?" Someone yells. It's the guy that was shooting me.

"Michael, stop Dream!" Sapnap yells back.

Michael. Someone new?

"Dream's running this way!" Punz runs after me and hits me with his sword. I block it with my shield and return the hit. He quickly backs off.

"Wait what are we doing?" The unknown guy asks.

"We're killing Dream, Eryn! Kill him at all costs!" Tommy yells. He stands significantly farther from the rest, not engaging in the battle.

Eryn, that's his name?

Eryn stands away from me, shifting forward as if to attack but reconsidering at the last second and pausing to just watch me. I feel his dark eyes watching me curiously.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now