Meeting The Helstea's

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Three days had passed since my Kamish's Wrath incident.

These days, it feels like I'm not going at five times the speed anymore. In fact, it feels faster. Did that Zalam guy do something to me? I can already see a few cracks in my core.

Am I gonna like, constantly develop at terrifying speeds now, cause if I go any faster, I'll probably reach White core by next year. Not to mention the Integration stage, too, what about that?

Is there something above the Integration stage? I mean, chances are the answer's a yes, but I wonder if I can contact that guy again.

No. Stop thinking about useless things, Kuro. Just keep training.

I've recently discovered just how much my insight has improved, as well. When I meditated after sword and stamina training, I would focus into my core and feel my elements.

It felt so natural calling on all four elements, which was weird because not even Arthur could naturally call on the four elements, I suppose. I know he struggled a little bit calling on Wind and Earth, but it felt too easy for me.

Wind was an especially easy element to call upon. I only tried it once, but I definitely unlocked and manifested Wind to boot.

Water was just as easily called on but it felt just a tad less natural than Wind.

As for the other two, I'd say they were on par with each other, feeling the least natural among the four.

I wonder how long it'll take to manifest the other elements. It sucks that I can only call upon them right now aside from Wind. Definitely a mana issue.

"Kuro! That man I was telling you about a few days ago is here!" Mary walked outside to see me meditating. "Kuro?"

"Hmm? Oh, is that special man here?"

"That's right! C'mon, Head Mother Meredith is greeting him right now, wanna go see him?"

"Yeah!" I got up and walked to her.

Oh, damn, I forgot about that one skill Arthur learned from that Dragon. Or at least, he's going to learn it in a few months when he falls off that cliff. I definitely gotta learn Mana Rotation sometime.

"Ah! You must be the newest addition here!" A voice came from the right.

"Yes, that's correct Mr. Helstea." It was Head Mother Meredith and none other than who I expected; Vincent Helstea, the founder of the Helstea Auction house as well as Reynolds Leywin's friend.

There were quite a number of things I knew about this man, but there's no need to go over it; I'm sure I can get help from him, though.

"Kuro," Head Mother Meredith called to me. "Come say hi to Mr. Helstea."

I walked to the two and greeted them. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Helstea." I said.

"Oh, quite well spoken for a young lad, I see," he nodded.

He turned to Head Mother. "Is this the special case you were going to tell me about? He should be one or two at this point, right?" He confirmed.

"Yes, Kuro turned two last month on the 29th. He's amazingly talented. I've never heard of his case before."

"So what's going on?" He looked at me.

"Kuro? Please show him." She told me.

"Okay." I closed my eyes and focused.


I attempted to raise a Wind barrier with the four of us inside, though I had a few cracks in the barrier because of my unstable manifestation. I really need to manifest these elements soon.

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