Foreboding News; New Design

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Both of their eyes went wide, immense surprise and curiosity laced in their expressions.


"I told you. We're going to another continent. It's pretty far up north, but let's say I've got a shortcut of sorts."

Arthur facepalmed.

"You crazy fucker. Whatever, I'm going to sleep. I don't know about you two, but I'd like to at least act like a normal kid."

I chuckled as Nico joined him.

"Sleep tight, Princess."

"What?" He swung his head back in confusion.

"One day, Arthur. You'll understand one day," I muttered under my breath.

"Nothing. Get your ass to bed already. I've got training to do."


Lucas Wykes

"Did you get it for me?" I asked that pesky butler of mine.

"As best as I could manage and more, Young Master Wykes. This is everything I could gather about the person you asked for."

He handed me a box of papers.

"This is everything? Why is there so little?"

"I'm afraid the boy's information is quite tightly locked away. I could do nothing more than find his most important connections."

I internally gnashed my teeth.

Just who is the Student Council President? And what the hell is with his magic?

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, sighing in frustration.

"Fine. I'll make do with this. Leave. I'll return to the academy myself."


"I didn't stutter, did I?" I growled. "Leave me. Now."

He walked away trembling under the force of my magic pressure.

I turned and opened the box I was given.

Inside held a bunch of papers on the silver-haired boy.

My hands shook just thinking of him.

A mere lower class noble making me retreat? I'll see just what I can do.

I looked through his information.

Apparently, he was an adopted child of the Helstea's.

I chuckled to myself.

"Xyrus Orphanage, huh. Too bad. It would be a shame if it was burnt down."

I noticed a bunch of other pointless things that didn't matter until I noticed the families he was affiliated with.

"Leywin, Bladeheart, Vigo, and even the Human and Elven Royal Families."

I clicked my tongue.

"This might be more difficult than I thought."

I decided it would be better to migrate over to my room where I could properly consolidate a plan for my revenge.

I was interrupted however, as a group of boys approached me.

"Who the hell are you?" I demanded.

"Relax, Wykes," the leader of the group said. "We didn't come here to fight."

I cocked my eyebrow in suspicion. "Am I really supposed to believe that?"

He frowned slightly, before taking another step forward.

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