Dawn's Ballad

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While the Leywin's and Arthur were discussing which of the Twin Horns were going to aide us in our adventures, moreso Arthur than me, I was at the Guild Hall gossiping with Kaspian.

"So, not too long until you guys come here and register, I see. You said it was going to be the morning after your birthday, no?" he asked.

"Yes, indeed. No more than a week or two until we come and register officially. Also, it looks like someone you know is going to be with us." I smiled as I took another sip of my tea.

"So, how's he holding up so far anyway? I heard about the incident with Mr. Insolent Peasant." He chuckled slightly.

"Did you just chuckle? Whatever. Yes, he was quite problematic, if I do say so myself. He's powerful even for someone at the Light Red stage, not to mention another eight year old.

And his aura, it's even more powerful than I expected. I never thought another eight-year-old could release such killing intent. He might be fun to play with in the future."

"Oh? I really am quite interested now to see this promising boy. I hope he won't cause too much trouble as an Adventurer. Then again, I'm saying this about a boy who sounds about as destructive as you." He smirked in amusement.

"What did you just say? I am not destructive. At least not to that kid's degree. He's a new level of chaotic, even for me." I stood up, getting ready to leave. "I'll see you in a few weeks."

"Bye bye~" he said in a playful tone, waving at me as I closed the door.

This guy...


"So, how was it? Who's going with us?" I asked Arthur, who was training his Water and Fire magic in the backyard with me, while I was training my four Elements.

"We agreed," he began while launching spells at himself and blocking, "on having Jasmine come with us in a week's time." He activated Thunderclap Impulse.

"I was pretty!" he raised an Ice wall with slight struggle before knocking it down, "surprised! That she! Of all the Twin Horns! Volunteered!" He huffed, pausing in between his words.

"Well," I increased my Gravity magic to five times force and Wind resistance to a hundred fifty percent, augmenting my legs first with a fairly thick layer of Ice and then covering them with an armor of Fire.

"I can't say I'm too surprised. Durden and Angela are conjurers, so they were probably the best choices, and I know how much Durden wants to bond with you and see you grow and shit like that.

But Angela's got that deadly pair of breasts, Adam's too much of a dick with his personality, and Helen's not exactly the best teacher, especially when she knows what we're capable of. Jasmine however,"

I increased Gravity another fivefold and Wind another fifty percent, the lower half of my body now coated in Fire and Ice armor, "is the best option. She's a Wind Element speed-type Augmenter specializing in dual dagger combat with a Solid Yellow core."

"Right. She's definitely the best choice for us. You gonna go off on your own? From the looks of it, your parents aren't nearly as worried about you as mine are about me."

"That's because I'm a Silver core mage. Must I address this again? I'm actually about to break through to Mid Silver any day here. Being at higher stages doesn't just mean I'm a little bit stronger than someone at your stage.

There's a significant difference between Light Yellow and Initial Silver, let alone you and me. I can subdue and even defeat a few S-class mana beasts, you know."

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