The Noble And The Nobly Punished

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With the end of the announcement and the little performance I put on, the Three Kings and Queens and the Six Lance's met up with me.

I could clearly see Bairon's change in attitude as he shot his allies a few nervous glances before noticing my own gaze piercing his soul.

Even Olfred was visibly shaking.

Understandable. All on him, though.

"As promised, I arrived at the announcement. Don't expect me to do much more."

The Kings simply nodded in acceptance.

I opened my Ice Wings as I turned away. "I'll be on my way back to Xyrus now. I have some business with Guildmaster Bladeheart."


"Seriously, I can't believe you did that," Arthur laughed as we walked through the city.

"I still think I could've put on a better show," I chuckled slightly.

"I certainly think your presence alone would have sufficed, Kuro," Nico chuckled in amusement.

"How can you guys casually talk about this like some joke?!" Elijah exclaimed as he shoved his face into his hands, dreading what the future would hold.

"Well, Elijah, I'm sure- hold on, what are these guys over here doing, bullying a Dwarf?" I pointed out a few nobles just as one kicked a small, skinny Dwarven boy to the ground.

"Alright, it looks like a lesson is in order. Care to join?" I said as my blood slightly began to boil.

I even recognized them, though the timing was a bit off, given this should've happened before the announcement after we went to Gideon's lab.

These little bastards. Tridant family, huh?

"Gladly," Arthur and Elijah fumed as I felt their mana flare.
"Interesting." Was all that came from Nico.

We advanced toward the group as they laughed, continuing their harassment.

"I said withdraw your-" he was cut off as Elijah stepped forward in a rage.

"That's enough!" he shouted as his body pushed the red-haired boy.

"Are you okay? Can you stand?" He asked the Dwarf as he knelt.

"I don't believe this," I heard the noble mutter.

"How dare you do this to-" he was cut off as a wide hand swung and slapped him across the face.

"I should be asking you the same thing." The red-haired noble stared at Elijah on the ground in disdain.

"How dare you interrupt my fun?"

"Ha. Fun, you say?" I voiced, making the rest of us known.

"Who're you?" One of the noble's lackey's asked as he stepped forward with a metal pipe in hand.

"Let's find out, shall we?" I stepped forward myself.

The lackey laughed as he raised the pipe, swinging down with all of his strength.

As the pipe hit my leg as he intended, he laughed wildly, expecting me to fall to the ground in pain.

But I stood. And the pipe had been bent.

"That was all the strength you could muster? Are you sure you can call yourself a mage?" I crossed my arms.

"At least make me use mana," I mocked.

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