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"So, Arthur. Ready for Xyrus Academy?" I asked as we walked through the teleportation gate, Arthur's hair down in a really weird way as a "disguise" into the city.

"Well, I can't say I'm excited since it's expected that classes will be boring, but I do look forward to what other kinds of magic I can learn and experiment with."

"Well, I'm sure you'll be doing more than experimenting with magic, my transmigrated friend." I smiled, knowing he'd have a blast shooting through the ranks of the academy.

"Speaking of friends, who was that kid that looked like Elijah? He wasn't with us before," he asked, looking at me curiously.

"That'll have to wait for when we get back home."

I entered a nearby carriage, Arthur following. "Helstea Manor, please."


"Did you seriously bring Tessia to Xyrus?" Arthur asked as we got out of the carriage.

"Yep. She's Cynthia's disciple in name. Regal already had two students, so people can't go getting bold enough to request apprenticeship."

We walked up the stairs as a shadow towered over us.

It was Eleanor.

"Bye bye," I waved as I Burst Stepped out of the way.

"Wha-oof!" was all I heard as the little girl-rocket crashed into his stomach.

"So that's what you meant," he managed, barely having caught himself with Wind Wall.

"What's up, Ellie," I chuckled.

"Welfom Vack," she muffled through his shirt.

"Sorry, I didn't get that?" He said as he returned her hug.

"I said 'Welcome back,' Big Brother," she spoke once more, loud and clear with tears in her eyes.

"Well, I'd say that was nice and heartwarming and all, but we still have your mother to deal with, so let's face death together, shall we?"

As we walked inside the manor, I saw Arthur's face contort in a fearful rage as if he was thinking about something really stupid.

He's so weird. And that's coming from me.

"Arthur! Kuro!" Alice's voice caught our attention, snapping Arthur back to reality.

She and Reynolds came running to us, relieved smiles and joyous expressions lining their faces.

Reynolds still looked quite muscular, despite his age, which was pretty impressive.

He scooped Arthur up with a bright grin.

"My boy!" He beamed. "You haven't grown at all!"

"Your beard's longer, old man. Trying to match the wrinkles on your face?" Arthur smirked, wrapping his arm around his neck.

"Hey! That's my husband you're talking about," Alice chided as Rey set him back down.

She pulled him into a warm embrace as she looked like she was holding her tears back as best she could.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Mom," Arthur commented as he smiled in her embrace.

Sniffling back a sob that I heard, I wiped a tear away from behind her.

"I should apologize for not protecting him better, Aunt Alice. I neglected the arrogance of one of our party members and let him get away after getting Arthur and Jasmine pretty good," I said guiltily.

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