Battle With The Hound

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"I'll see you guys soon." I waved as we parted ways.

"Now. East it is." I closed my eyes, concentrating on my mana. I circulated my Wind mana around my body in such a way that I began to float, higher and higher until I was well over a hundred feet in the air.

I then used Gravity mana to make me several times lighter, and then another dose of Wind mana to increase the speed of my flight even more. To any normal person, I'd be too fast to see, because of the sheer speed at which I was moving at.

What the hell? It's so far away, and I sensed it all the way from Xyrus? I'm already pretty close to the edge of the coast and I still haven't reached the signature yet.

When I'd just about reached the edge of the East coast, the hound-like signature suddenly spiked, as if it could sense me.

This thing might be harder to deal with than I expected. What the hell is with this mana? Why is it so large and dense? Whatever this thing is, it's a lot stronger than S-class.

As I landed right where the beastly mana felt strongest, I was met with a large, deep, abyss-like cavern. I walked into the cavern, reinforcing my body with mana to boot.

I'm not gonna give whatever the hell this thing is any chances.

"Coat of arms," I whispered, as the mana reinforcing my body was coated in layers of Ice, Earth, and Lightning in an armor-like battle suit.

After what felt like 30 minutes of just walking, I saw the end of this seemingly endless pathway. When I reached the end, I couldn't help but compare whatever I saw to something I'd read in my last life's mythology books.

It was a giant room surrounded by fire and lava, with a giant red hound sleeping in front of what appeared to be a giant door.

The Cerberus Hound lives up to its name. It looks like a smaller version of the real Cerberus, though. It's only got one head and it doesn't look as big; it's maybe only half as large.

Maybe it was like a child or something of the actual Cerberus. Not to mention, what is it doing here? I don't remember myths or legends of Cerberus crawling around in this world.

As I approached the giant hound, I felt its mana flare once more as its blood-red eye opened, and focused on me.

"Ah, shit."

"You dare be so bold as to try and slay me?" it rumbled as it got up.

Alright. Scratch that. This guy's probably bigger.

"You can talk?" I said as I pulled out Kamish's Wrath from my dimensional storage.

"I do not know of you nor do I have any interest in it. You are my enemy, so I will kill you," it growled as its blood-red eyes glowed and its mana flared even more.

"Let's see if you can!" I shouted as I burst toward the three-headed hound.

"No matter! You will die anyway!" it roared as a giant ball of fire manifested in its mouth.

"Not so fast!" I swung my dagger with as much force as I could as I imbued it with Ice magic, releasing an arc of Ice toward the beast's attack.

As it released the ball of fire, my Ice slash dispersed the spell as it clashed, releasing steam everywhere.

I put away my dagger's, freeing my hands. In my right, I willed Gravity mana. In my left, I willed Ice mana.

As a giant spear of Ice formed in front of me, I crushed it down with Gravity, condensing it down as much as possible until I couldn't anymore, into the shape of a spear.

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