Those Worthy And Those Unworthy

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I tapped on the medallion, the mark Kuro called an emblem shining brightly as it pulsated.

"Testing, testing. Ren, can you hear me?" A familiar voice sounded through the device.

"K-Kuro?" I spoke, unable to tell whether he could even hear my words.

"Looks like it's working okay. Listen Ren. I need you to assemble a counter subjugation force." He spoke, eliciting confusion from me.

"And why is that?" I questioned, curious of his answer.

"Agrona's making his move much faster now. He's cautious but the fact that I killed one of Agrona's Retainer's has elicited a speedy reaction.

If what I'm sensing is right, there's a cult-like organization centered somewhere in Sapin that'll be making a move on Xyrus Academy for Nico in just under a year.

I need to be able to counter that confidently whenever the time comes."

I processed the information he provided as Rizem practically hovered over me in amazement.

"My god, it's functional too! Tell me, how did you replicate vocal transmission with just mana?!" The crazy-eyed artificer yelled with a newfound vigor.

"Huh? Who's that?" The boy asked curiously.

"No one of importance, Kuro," I spoke as I swatted away Rizem.

"As for your request, I will prepare our warriors. I'm sure first checks aren't without your powers, so I'd be happy to introduce them to you."

"Great. I'll make the necessary arrangements for my travel there in a few days, so be ready for me."

"I assume you'll be coming with that rift ability you used before?"

"Yep. I just need to pinpoint where my medallion is and lock on. Won't be too difficult since your medallion is the only one not on Dicathen."

"You never cease to amaze me, boy," I felt a smile surface as the fluctuations in mana returned to normal.

"Oi, Ren! What did you mean by 'rift ability'? Are you telling me that 'mana creation' of his isn't the only thing he's capable of?!"

"You will find out soon enough, Rizem. You heard the boy, I must arrange a team to counter Agrona's forces. Off I go."



As soon as I cut off the transmission to the medallion I gave Ren, I pulled out my mask and relayered my armor to form the usual armor I wore as Regal.

Walking through the city as my overpowered Adventurer counterpart elicited many cheers and conversations about how I was at the announcement and how handsome I might look under my mask.

I know I don't possibly look like one, but jeez, I'm twelve for christ's sake.

Ah, whatever. There's no point in thinking about it now.

Soon enough, I was even approached by a few brave souls daring enough to ask me for assistance in dungeon explorations.

But being approached by admiring men and women alike was quite irritating, if I do say so myself.

I just ignored them all and continued my steady stride toward the Guild Hall.


"Good afternoon, Sir Regal. How can I help you?" The receptionist Maryan asked.

"A good afternoon indeed, Ms. Burns. Do you have any interesting quests for me? Preferably A Class or higher."

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