
168 7 0

Arthur Leywin

"You were a mere wasp I deemed unnecessary to kill. But even the holiest of saints would swat a wasp down, without hesitation, should it have dared to sting him."

I kept my cold azure gaze on Lucas, watching his every movement as he trembled at the intensity of my rage.

As if his mind had broken, and he'd fallen into a bout of madness and desperation, he raised his staff.

"Hell's Rain!!" He roared, releasing his spell.

Dozens of flaming constructs manifested around him as he grinned madly, his body visibly withering under the burden of the spell.

The dancing red of the levitating flames became a violent blue as his magic was further refined. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought he'd try to take down half the school along with me.

As if that wasn't bad enough, he didn't even know he was killing himself. Not like I would bother to tell him. Too merciful a death it would be to let his own spell kill him.

The obvious overexertion of his mana core, along with the disgustingly odd discoloration of his skin and the mana beasts—there wasn't a doubt in my mind that the Vritra were responsible.

"Look at yourself. I'm surprised you think you can come out of this alive. Now die!" He spat, releasing his spell.

Exhaling, I released the floodgates of my core, allowing the power of my Beast Will to take over.

"Phase Two."

My vision shifted into monochrome as particles of ambient mana became all I could register.

Water mana accumulated around me, heeding my commands as the very air before me fell under a frozen curtain of white flame just as Lucas' barrage bombarded me.

"Absolute Zero."

The cloud of steam and debris soon lifted, and the deranged look on Lucas' face was replaced by disbelief and shock.

"H-how is that..? No, it shouldn't be like this! How can you use Ice magic?!" His incessant babbling continued as if he'd seen a ghost.

But he soon returned to his madness, chanting another spell that had, to my surprise, contained more mana than the last.

"Creation for-!" But before he could finish his chant, I shut down his magic with a swipe of my hand and a little bit of Fire magic domination.

"Enough games." Black Lightning arced from my right hand and a shrill howl of pain pierced my eardrums.

"My arm! It hurts!!" He howled.

I paced towards Lucas as he pawed at the empty space where his left arm once hung.

Ice mana danced across my left hand as it roared to life like its own flame.

"White Fire."

"Th-this isn't fair..! You can use Lightning magic too?! Y-you're a—"

"Yes. I am a Quadra-Elemental."

He stared in disbelief at my arms before another bloodcurdling scream tore through the air as I gripped his remaining arm.

The cold flame danced from my hand to his arm, slowly solidifying it in a coffin of ice.

I tightened my grip, and his arm shattered like glass.

Staring at the shards of what remained of his arm, Lucas fell to the ground.

"N-no... How dare you! I'm Lucas Wykes!" He spat out weakly, trying to push away from me with his legs.

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