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Quick Author's Note for you all. Yes, this is in fact an actual chapter this time, I'll have you know. What better day to publish a chapter than Friday, am I right?

I finally gathered the brain power after over two FUCKING WEEKS and wrote a chapter for this pile of hot garbage.

Also, I'm sure some of you who've been regulars here will definitely notice but my word count was absolutely executed this chapter.

I'm not going to bother with the 3k word counts anymore so you'll be lucky to see anything more than 2800 words that actually contribute to the chapter itself.

Anyway, I'll stop bothering you up here so I can bother you at the bottom kek.

Read on and relish these last few chapters that have only been somewhat worked on with effort.


[Time remaining: 4 hours]


"So we're really letting him do it, huh?" Arthur's arms crossed as we hid behind my mana cloak.

"Yep. He opens the portal, I fog the place with my concoction for a bit, and then you guys deal with the stragglers while I deal with Draneeve."

I glanced at Nico and Elijah before pointing at the both of them.

"And keep an eye on those two, Arthur. They just might be connected to this. Either one of them, that is."

I saw a vein bulge in Nico's neck and felt his mana flare but he stayed silent.

He probably knows why I'm keeping them under lock and key.

"Everyone else, have fun. Do what you want. I don't care whether you kill 'em or keep 'em."


[Time remaining: 3 hours, 30 minutes]

We watched the group of cloaked students frantically scrambling around, watching every direction as they tried setting up their portal connection apparatus.

"C'mon, c'mon! They'll be here anytime now! Hurry the hell up, stupid machine..!" One of them silently shouted, kicking the apparatus.

"Shut up." The guy I'm assuming was their leader scolded his ally.

"You run your mouth, their chances of being here become higher. So shut your trap and wait. Eldest Brother will definitely reward us for completing our mission."

The people working on the apparatus fiddled around a bit more until a whirring noise rumbled from the devices spread around it.

You could even feel a light vibration if you focused.

"Y-yes..! It's working! Let Eldest Brother know we've succeeded!"


Lucas Wykes

[Time remaining: <1 hour]

Finally. The day I have my revenge.

The day I've so longed for... To rip those bugs apart..! With my own hands!!

"Can you feel it, Lucas?" Draneeve's shrill voice pierced my ears yet again.

But I couldn't care less. He was right this time. I could feel it. At the tips of my fingers like I could grab it anytime I chose.

"It's like a dream. The best and most satisfying dream. One where nothing but my desires are met."

He remained silent but I knew he was smiling under his mask. Then he spoke.

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