Sugary tears

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I was far beyond lost.

It's been almost a whole day now, since I woke up like this; flat, crispy, and with hair made out of [insert your favorite sweet here]. My hands had no fingers, I could barely comprehend how I was capable of walking on those flat legs.

At first I thought I was high, or maybe having a very weird fever dream, but it felt like forever had passed, forever of me walking around, looking for a person, a house, a clue to my whereabouts, and nothing changed. I was still a cookie. I was still lost in a 'forest' partly made out of sweets. I was still confused and terrified... My legs were getting sore, and I didn't dare to eat the sweets offered by the suspicious forest, so I was starving too. Maybe I was in a coma...?

Starting to accept that this was really my actual situation, panic and despair started to overwhelm me. I sat down on a rock nearby, trying to take deep breaths, only to eventually start crying. Things had not been good for me these last few years, I really didn't need to be in an impossible situation like this. This was too much for me.

I had to close my eyes for a moment, trying to calm my sobs, my breathing... How was I breathing?? Oh- oh God, I don't even have a nose. I scared myself with this unsettling thought, and only made myself cry even harder...

"Oh my... What's wrong...?" The voice, despite sounding so friendly, made me jump out of my skin. Not that I had any. Jump out of my dough?

I quickly turned around to see.... Two... people... well... cookies...? Sure, why not. It only made sense at this point.

The first one, dressed in pure white (it was a little blinding) was looking at me with a worried and alert expression. The second one, entirely purple, also decorated with pieces of purple armor and fairly intimidating, was merely raising a brow at me. He seemed more confused and mildly annoyed, rather than anything else.

Were they once human like me?? I really, really hoped so. Maybe they knew what was going on. I didn't notice I've been staring at them, instead of answering his question, until they got uncomfortable enough to talk again;

"Ah-... Forgive me, I didn't mean to startle you!..." The one dressed in white said, and offered a apologetic smile.

"....It's-... it's fine..." I said, holding back a sob.

He smiled just a little bit brighter, yet still so compassionately, and stepped closer. "I am Milk Cookie! And this here is my friend, Purple Yam Cookie!"

Those were not human names, to my biggest dreadful disappointment.

Purple Yam Cookie seemed to squint with a slight grumble at the word "friend"...

"What is your name?" Milk cookie asked, still wearing that warm smile. As utterly insane and stupid as my situation was, I found myself... a bit soothed by the pure friendliness radiating from this cookie.

"I'm-... Uh..." I hesitated. Could these talking cookies figure out I'm human by my name? And would it be a bad thing for me?... But also, if there was the slightest remaining chance that they were humans turned into cookies like me, maybe hearing a human name could make them snap out of their delusions? "I'm... Y/N..."

Milk Cookie looked surprised, and Purple Yam Cookie raised a brow, now in angry confusion.

"Y/N?" Milk Cookie chuckled. His chuckle was as delightful as his smile, if not more. "What a strange name! Strange in a nice way, of course!"

"WHAT is that name!?" Purple Yam Cookie barked.

"Purple Yam Cookie, please..." Milk Cookie frowned, before turning back to me again, back to his compassionate expression. "Y/N... may I ask why you were crying...?"

"???" I was so overwhelmed, I didn't know where to start. Plus, could I really tell them, cookies, that I was actually a human? I just started sobbing again.

Milk Cookie frowned, seemingly guilty that he caused me to cry again, while Purple Yam Cookie frowned nervously, unsure of how to deal with someone sobbing uncontrollably.

"Now now... You're going to be okay..." Milk Cookie said. "Maybe my friend and I can help!..."

"Did someone HURT you!?" Purple Yam Cookie clenched his mace. "We can give them a good BEATING!"

Milk Cookie gave his friend a slight disapproving frown, but didn't argue.

I took a deep breath to stop the sobbing. "I'm not-... I'm not from here... I don't know how I got here, and I have no idea how to g-go back to w-whereIcomefrom-" Tears filled my eyes again, but Milk Cookie heard enough, thankfully.

"Oh! You're lost!" Milk Cookie smiled a little bit. "Well... Where do you come from, then? We can show you the direction!"

"...[Insert the name of your city here]" I said.

Milk Cookie raised a brow and squinted an eye with surprise, as he turned to glance at Purple Yam Cookie, but his friend only gave an annoyed shrug as a response. "I'm afraid we don't know where that is..." Milk Cookie said.

"What about... what about [insert the name of your country/state/continent here]??..." I asked. 

But Milk Cookie frowned sadly. "I'm sorry... I've never heard of this place either..."

I stared at him, then at the ground, processing how lost I was for the 15th time today. Figures, this place didn't look like anything I'd ever seen before. Was it even on Earth, still?... 

Milk Cookie was now frowning anxiously. He seemed truly saddened by my situation. And yet, after pondering a moment, he gave me a small hopeful smile. "Well, in that case, you should come with us!..."

"WHAT?" Purple Yam Cookie growled nervously. "Come with US!? LOOK at them, Milk Cookie! They're WEAK! They'll NEVER survive the trip where WE'RE heading to!"

"And you think they'll do better all alone?" Milk Cookie asked, staring at Purple Yam Cookie with a straight face.

"..." Purple Yam Cookie seemed taken by surprise. He looked at me, then back at Milk Cookie.

Milk Cookie beamed. "Come on, Purple Yam Cookie! I'm sure they'll be so much safer with us around! Don't you think so?"

Purple Yam Cookie growled. How could he deny he was strong enough to scare off dangers? "I GUESS you're right..." He grumbled, turning his back and crossing his arms to ponder.

I stared at him, holding back tears again. I didn't have much options. I never had to suddenly go on an adventure with some strangers, especially strangers that happen to be talking cookies, but they were both right; I wasn't gonna make it, not on my own anyway.

Milk Cookie beamed again, and I felt... a little bit better. He turned to me. "What do you say, Y/N...? Purple Yam Cookie and I are on a great quest, we do a lot of traveling. We might come across someone who knows that land you come from! Until then, you can stick with us as long as you need to!..."

"I-... Really?" I finally said.

All things considered, these two big-armed cookies offering me protection was probably the single best thing that could have happened to me, in the crazy situation I'm in. So maybe I was... lucky?? As long as I can trust them, that is.

"Of course!" Milk Cookie said, with no hesitation. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find your way home eventually. "

"...Thank you, Milk Cookie. Thank you so much..." I replied.

He chuckled again, a chuckle that could summon the rays of the sun itself. "It's no problem, Y/N!" I noticed his cheeks getting just a little more pink than before. "Whenever you're ready, we'll be on our way until we find a decent spot to spend the night." He said. "You're going to be okay."

This cookie was so sunny, I was becoming confident that I could trust him, but... I wondered how these sentient cookies felt about humans. I didn't know how long it would take until they catch on that I'm not a cookie like them. And when they find out, would they still care about my safety? 

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