First crumbs

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When I woke up this morning, I found out that I was still, in fact, a cookie. Everything that happened yesterday was not a dream. On top of all that, I had a mean back pain from sleeping on the ground.

I was sitting where I slept, gazing off into space and pondering about my life. It was becoming annoying, yet there it was again; the existential dread of being somewhere I don't belong, the thought that I might never return to- -

"Here! This will give you strength for the day!" My thoughts were interrupted as Milk Cookie held a bowl of milk and cereals in front of me. Wait... No, no cereals. Just colorful marshmallows... Again, I suppose a crazy amount of sugar is considered healthy for cookies.

"Oh! uh-..." I held the bowl, staring for a few second, then looked up at him with a worried frown. "Where uh-... Where did you get that milk, Milk Cookie...?"

He stood up proudly, resting the tip oh his mace on the ground. "My mace refills itself every once in a while! I was granted many blessings to be able to help others."

"Oh!..." But it's just milk though... What could be so divinely helpful about milk? I still thanked him, and took a good sip... "!!!" It was so cold! So refreshing! It felt like my body got hit by a cold wave of life! And on top of that, my back pain was gone! "Ahh...! How is it so good??"

Milk Cookie smiled brightly with amusement, and a faint blush across his cheeks. "The milk of my mace is forever blessed by my home village. Where I come from, milk potions are our specialty!"

Goodness, who would have known cookies, of all things, could have so much lore?

My 'turned into a cookie' situation sucked, but he made it bearable just enough. He looked so clueless sometimes though, I wondered if he realized just how grateful I was to have met him...

Now with the energy I needed, we prepared and left for a whole day of walking. I better get used to it and keep up! I didn't want to be left behind and alone again.

_ _ _

About an hour or two later, the landscape had changed into a more jungle-like forest. tall trees were almost covering up the sky, and strands of gummy strings were dangling above us.

I found myself admiring this. It was impressive after all, to witness complete working ecosystems made out of sweets and desserts? It... had its charms, when you start getting used to it.

Suddenly, Purple Yam Cookie stopped and became agitated (more than usual), glancing around and at the ground, growling. "DID ANYONE FEEL THAT!?"

Milk Cookie and I both stopped to stare at him, Milk Cookie blinking innocently. "Huh? Felt what?-"

But before Purple Yam Cookie could say anything, I felt the ground tremble and move under my feet, like the soil was a carpet getting dragged over some rough rocks. "Um?? That??-" I said.

"YEAH, THAT!!!" Purple Yam Cookie clenched his mace, apparently ready for a fight.

But before I could cry about not wanting to get involved in a battle, without even knowing what the threat was yet, something big burst out of the ground and sent the three of us flying in different directions.

Milk Cookie somehow landed on his feet, while Purple Yam Cookie landed face first.

Me, I landed on my back with a "ARGH!", and as soon as I was over the shock, I sat up to stare at the creature that sent us flying.

This thing was huge... a slime-like worm thing sticking out of the ground with spikes covering its head like horns. Oh wait... Ah, of course, this wasn't slime. It was jelly, again. A giant jelly worm that made me freeze in fear, as it loomed over Purple Yam Cookie with a big smile.

But Purple Yam Cookie didn't wait a single second, he sprung back onto his feet with a fuming growl, and charged at the jelly worm with no second thought, roaring his soul out.

He hit the worm's head with his mace so hard that the worm fell back, its head landing somewhat near me.

"!" It was staring at me now... I could see it in its eyes, it was thinking that I looked like an easier prey...

"Hhhhaahh...!!" I made a paralyzed attempt to drag myself away as the jelly worm quickly rose up, throwing its head back, and swung it down at me.

Just as I flinched and covered myself with my arms, a bright light threw itself in front of me, as I heard the sound of horns clashing into steel.

"Stay back!" Milk Cookie's voice said.

It took me just a tiny moment to process I wasn't dead. I lowered my arms to see Milk Cookie holding up his shield ahead of us, not only that, but it seemed as if his shield was projecting a winged screen of light...?

I was speechless, yet Milk Cookie glanced over his shoulder to give me a tiny smile. "Stay behind me, you're safe!"

I stared at him in shock. Between the worm, almost dying, and the angelic magical shield, I only managed to whisper; "What the fuck?"

Milk Cookie gasped in shock, eyes wider than ever before. He lowered his shield and fully turned his head to me, making the ethereal shield of light disappear. "Y/N!! You cannot say that!"

Was he serious? Was that the biggest concern??

As he was distracted by me, I saw the worm prepare another swing attack...


"Huh-OUGH–!!" Milk Cookie was wiped out of the way by the worm's head, as I screamed for him.

Luckily, Purple Yam Cookie was back at it. His sheer loudness and strength enough to distract the Jelly worm as I rushed to Milk Cookie.

Milk Cookie was already sitting up with a grunt.

"Milk Cookie! Are you okay!?"

He beamed up at me, despite everything. "I'm fine! Don't worry!" He looked behind me, at the ongoing fight between Purple Yam Cookie and a worm. "I have to help him, he might get hurt!"

"But you're already hurt!" I said.

He smiled. "I told you, I'm fine! I assure you... Now, I-..." He stopped, as we both witnessed the jelly worm giving up and diving back underground to escape the battle.

"COME BACK HERE!!!" Purple Yam Cookie yelled out, throwing his mace at the pile of dirt the worm left behind.

"Ah, never mind! It looks like he handled it!" Milk Cookie smiled and stood up, then winced, holding his side.

I stared at him with a worried frown, silently accusing him of not being as fine as he said he was.

He caught on my expression, and smiled sheepishly. "It's just a few crumbs. Nothing my healing milk mace can't fix!"

"Milk Cookie... Why did you drop your guard like that?"

"Apologies! I just got so surprised by your language...!" He frowned nervously. "By the way, you have to be more careful with your words!"

I stared at him in disbelief.

"...Anyway, let's-"

"It's just-" I cut him off. "I really don't want you to get hurt for me?? Listen- by the way- thank you. Thank you for... saving my life... But... please, just try not to get hurt like that...?"

He looked surprised, and a new degree of pink blush colored his cheeks, and a bit of his face too. He then gave me a soft smile. "We'll both be just fine, Y/N. I promise."

"Are you two COMING, or WHAT!?" Purple Yam Cookie yelled.

"Oh!" Milk Cookie chuckled. "Let's get going, Y/N! It's best to move quickly if we don't want to run into another jelly worm...!"

"Right." I nodded and followed, staying very close to him.

Milk Cookie was such a sweet and kind cookie, it really hurt to see him put himself in danger for me. He barely even knew me... No, in fact, he didn't know me at all. Did I even deserve their protection...?

Nothing should happen to him because of me. I was going to try my best to look after him.

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