Game night

643 20 22

Despite the spikes, horns, and roughness, the Mala Tribe was surprisingly friendly. They were really eager to welcome us to their village; barely arrived, Mala Sauce Cookie shouted to introduce us as friends, and they were almost immediately handing us food and big mugs for a toast. Although... A part of me quickly suspected that their generosity was due to them being so amused by outsiders' reactions to spicy food!

Yeah, they got a really good laugh out of me and Purple Yam Cookie spitting out the first sip of our drink, which turned out to be really hot sauce... However, Milk Cookie didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with what we were eating. In fact, Milk Cookie seemed immune to most of the hotness of the Dragon's Valley, for some reason.

We were eventually sitting with Mala Sauce Cookie, as she informed us about the land.

"Hmm... Nope! Sorry, I've never seen a 'Dark Choco Cookie' come through here..." She replied after Milk Cookie explained our quest.

Milk Cookie frowned sadly, as Purple Yam Cookie frowned angrily.

"Why is it so HARD to get any lead!?" Purple Yam Cookie grumbled.

"Ah... But I'm sure he came here..." Milk mumbled.

"Maybe he did! I'm not all-knowing, you know! Hrahah!" Mala Sauce Cookie chugged her mug. "Ahh... Maybe he came through here when the Dragon's Valley was doing better... When the steam, smoke and volcanic explosions made it hard to see the horizon! It would have been easier to walk through here unnoticed..."

"You call that BETTER??" Purple Yam Cookie squinted.

"Sure do! Destructive heat is the best part of this land! It's what made our tribe strong! And SPICY!" Her expression turned into annoyance, looking at the land. "But since last year or so... the heat started going down... The rivers of lava are drying up... The volcano is calming down... The Dragon's Valley is getting... BLAND..." She paused. Chugging again. "Which is why I'm gonna go find the dragon!"

"Dragon??" Milk Cookie said with wide eyes.

Dragon? A real dragon? Or a monster made out of candies?...

"Yup! In our tribe's legends, it's said that this dragon living at the top of the volcano has something to do with the land's fiery nature! So he's gotta be able to help!"

"Won't that be dangerous?" Milk Cookie asked.

"Sure it will! But I have to do it!"

"...Then let us assist you!"

"WHAT." Purple Yam Cookie glared at Milk Cookie. "We're ALREADY on a QUEST!"

"But we have to! Help is needed, and we must repay our dept! Don't forget Mala Sauce Cookie saved our lives...!"

"It's just the weather getting colder! Who cares?!" Purple Yam Cookie crossed his arms.

I stayed quiet a moment. Obviously, I had really big doubts about going after a dragon... ...But also heck, I did want to see dragon. It's not like we were going to fight it, right? We were gonna ask that dragon for a favor or something... Besides, I was becoming confident that these over-powered cookies could get through anything. As long as I sticked with Milk Cookie... I'd probably be fine.

"Are you scared of the dragon, Purple Yam Cookie?" I said.

Purple Yam Cookie quickly turned to me, staring at me with the purest 'you wish to die?' eyes a cookie could have. "...I changed my mind. I'M COMING."

It was that easy.

"Great!" Milk Cookie beamed. "It's good to have you along, Purple Yam Cookie!"


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