I Wish (part 3)

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"Y/N! Wake up!" Milk Cookie's voice echoed. 

"Hmm?..." I opened my eyes with no struggle, like I woke up well-rested for the first time in my life... That should have been my first warning that something was wrong, and yet I felt like it was completely normal for some reason. I was greeted by a beautiful blue sky.

"Down here, Y/N!!"

Down...? I frowned and sat up to rub by eyes, only to notice... that my hands were no longer crispy. It was skin. Human skin. With fingers and everything else. 

"!!? N-no-..." I looked down at myself,  to stare in disbelief at my human body.

I was sitting in a strange... meadow? Again, this didn't make any sense, we were on a tropical island last night, and yet... everything about this felt... nice. Nice enough for me to ignore how nonsensical it was.

I looked down next to me, and there he was... Milk Cookie, appearing like a real cookie now... just half the size of my whole hand... and yet he was smiling up at me like nothing was wrong.

"Oh-... Oh no.... Milk Cookie, I-... I'm so sorry-..." I should have been panicking, but just like everything else, I was just... surprisingly okay with the situation. Just mildly embarrassed.

"Hm? Sorry about what?" He said, climbing onto my knee with a single jump, then sitting to look up at me with an innocent blink.

"...I didn't mean to lie to you about what I am-..." Although my common sense was numbed, I could still tell his reaction was unlikely, to say the least. "A-are you not upset? That this is what I am...? You're not scared or weirded out?..."

But he just beamed. "Why would I be?? You're the same person I've known for days now!" 

I felt dumbfounded. "...Really...?"

"Yes!" He chuckled. "We're partners, no matter what! You have nothing to be anxious about."

Slowly, by listening to him, I somehow stopped questioning how he was so calm and... kind of oblivious.

Like something was tempting me to do so, curiosity or something else, I reached out to him with an opened hand. He beamed and hopped into my hand. Gosh, he was so small and cute, just standing there in my hand... As soon as I raised him up for me to see him better, he jumped onto my shoulder to sit happily, looking up at me with an expression between excitement and confidence.

All of this felt way too surreal... and yet, everything about this felt so comforting and good... Whatever it was, I was giving in.

"Besides," He continued, "now's even better! Think of all the adventures we can have now!! You can go faster than I'll ever can! Step over so many obstacles! And swim across rivers!! We can go anywhere together!"

"Uh..." I felt myself blushing and cracking a smile. All of that did sound nice...

"And, if your size ever starts bothering you, then we can just make you a Cookie again!"

Just as he said that, I started shrinking slowly, back into a Cookie... And for some reason, it felt completely normal that I was able to do that. 

He slid off of me while I was shrinking and continued. "You'll see, Y/N! I have a feeling the best part of our adventures together are yet to come!" He grabbed my hand with a heart-melting beam, and... "Y/N!... Y/N!... Y/N!..." He echoed.

"M-Milk Cookie??"

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"Y/N! Wake up!..." 

"Ugh... What?..." I whined, keeping my eyes shut. Did he really need to interrupt this?... I really wanted to continue that dream... 

"It's already noon! It... it seems I overslept...!"

"...So what? We probably need that sleep after the crazy day we had yesterday... Can't we sleep a little longer...?" 

"We could, but... we were supposed to spend time together today... We still don't know when your wish of going home will come true..." He said, with a somewhat worried tone.

"..." I finally opened my eye to look at him. The daylight was making me want to hiss and curl under blankets, to get back to that dream... Milk Cookie looked tired, almost as sleepy as me, but despite that, he did look concerned, staring at me... 

Of course, I knew that I didn't make the wish to go home, but to know he was that worried about saying goodbye, although it probably wasn't gonna happen any time soon... it did make me feel guilty. 

But there was still no way I could tell him what I actually wished for... Unless... I could find the right way to tell him while spending time with him. Maybe that's how my actual wish was supposed to come true?

"..." I had to fight back the unusually intense desire to go back to sleep, and shake myself a little. "You're right, Milk Cookie, I'm sorry."

He smiled a little. "Oh, there's no need to apologize..." He paused. "...To be honest... I almost considered sleeping more too..."

I chuckled a little bit as I prepared myself. "So I'm not the only one who had a weird sleep tonight?"

"I'm afraid not..." Milk Cookie was frowning a bit, putting a hand to his chin thoughtfully. "I'm a little surprised... I'm usually careful about not oversleeping..."

"...Did you have... a weird dream?" I asked.

"Funny you ask, I dreamt we were reunited with all our friends! Even some of my friends you haven't meant yet, Y/N! Ohh, I was so happy to introduce you to everyone..." He shook his head and smiled. "But anyway... We'll find a way to make this happen for real, eventu- Oh, uh, right-... Y-you'll probably be home by then..." He then frowned sadly upon the realization.

God... It really hurt me to see how much my companionship mattered to him now... Would it hurt him even more when he finds out the truth about me? No-... My wish should come true, right? So it should all go well... I really really really hoped so.

"Hey, now..." I affectionately patted his shoulder. "Let's go for a walk together in the lotus garden, okay?... Like you suggested yesterday!..."

He almost instantly beamed, and put a hand over mine to hold it. "You're right... I think we both need it!"

Oof, yeah, after a night like that, we definitely needed some air. Hopefully the lotus garden would fix this, and hopefully I'll find the courage to tell him the truth about me.

(Ayo everyone, sorry this took so long. I finally finished college, but I am now moving AND dealing with an internship, so I'm pretty busy but less stressed than I was in college, so hopefully I'll be able to update more often soon. Thank you all so much for your patience, comments and votes! It means the world to me that people like my writing)

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