Sweet Bitter

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I stood speechless, frozen like an ice spell had been thrown at me.

Milk Cookie was staring at me, and already studying my reaction. The longer I stayed frozen, the more he frowned worriedly.

...Well... What could I do now?
I could lie to him, and knowing how trusting he is, I bet he could actually believe me... But that wouldn't feel right, would it? After everything he did for me... I still held many secrets that he didn't even know about. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to be lied to, to be kept in ignorance for my benefit.

The truth is bound to come out at some point, one way or the other... So it was probably best to tell the truth now, instead of lying until he concludes that I'm a liar.

...He was my friend... And such a good person... Since the beginning, my only hope here was to trust him, and that meant trusting him with the truth, too.

"Well..." I took a deep breath, keeping my voice down. "...Just-... Just so you know... humans are just... people, like cookies. Humans are not divine creatures, not angels, not anything... We're really just like Cookies... but bigger, and squishier..."

He gasped quietly, eyes becoming wide, perfect circles, almost as big as his wide-open mouth. "...So you are!..." He said with a half-whispering voice. He frowned lightly, his bottom left eyelid rising a bit from his confusion as he studied me. "But-... But-but-... How-...."

"It's a curse... I think-... I... I was turned into a cookie, by a witch."

"A witch!?" He frowned anxiously and took two steps back. "But... why!? Have you... Have you done something to offend the witches!?"

"What!? No I didn't!! Or-... Well I-... I don't remember. It's kind of a blur... But witches aren't always the nicest, you know!? So-..." I stopped talking, noticing Milk Cookie was staring at me with a cold uncertainty, almost... warily.

Was he... afraid of me? Did he resent me?

My chest tightened. "...Milk Cookie," I continued, softening my voice, "it's still me... I swear, humans are nothing close to omnipotent or all-knowing. I'm just... a random person... And I really am just VERY lost..."

"...Why didn't you tell me?..." He finally spoke.

"Well... I was-... I was scared, mostly... When we first met, I had no idea how you felt about humans, but you thought I was a cookie, and you were being so nice and giving me help I desperately needed... So I just decided to not mention that I'm not a Cookie. I was... I was too scared to risk changing the way you saw me... I'm sorry."

"..." His stare softened, although he was still visibly deep in thoughts, now frowning sadly. He looked at the ground. "...Celestials almighty... Well-... It does explain a few things..."

Deep in thoughts, he turned around to ponder without me in his sight. Meanwhile, it was getting harder to breathe, I was on the verge of panic, I could feel it.

"...Milk Cookie, everything I ever said to you, I meant it. I swear on my life..."

His head rose a little bit, then almost turned to look at me, but I still couldn't see his face... Because he's flat.

After a moment of silence that felt suffocating, he sighed a bit, straightening himself. "...I'm sorry, I... I am... feeling overwhelmed, to say the least... I-I don't mean to appear cold..." He paused, looking at the ground. "...I don't know why the witches did this to you, but... I believe everyone deserves help, and I already promised I would help you."

It felt like the chains squeezing my heart had finally been broken... At least most of them. I could breathe so much better.

I stared at him for a moment, somehow feeling my eyes shine. "...Thank you... Thank you so much Milk Cookie... You... You cannot possibly imagine how grateful I am..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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