I Wish (part 2)

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"Pardon me, travelers?"

Milk Cookie and I turned to face the cookie. She was very pretty... Dressed up in a purple and green kimono, same color as her hair which was a mix of leaves and small flowers. Where did she come from?? We didn't hear a single footstep! She was staring at us with a calm, almost sleepy smile.

"Good evening!" Milk Cookie smiled. "Is there something we can help you with?"

"Actually, yes. The Great Dragon wishes to speak to you." She said, looking at me. "If you may follow me."

Wait, what!?

"Us??!" Milk Cookie said, round eyes and mouth. "Amazing! We just nee-"

"Not you. This one." She said, still staring at me.

I felt uneasy, but Milk Cookie kept smiling. "Aw, lucky you, Y/N! Maybe that means you're going home!-..." Suddenly, his smile faded, like he was just realizing that I might, in fact, leave... He looked even a little saddened now.

I stared at him with the same expression. "...Can't he come with me?? Please?"

"...Must he come with you?" She asked.

"...Yes, I need him to come with me."

"..." She smiled. "So be it, he may come."

Milk Cookie smiled, not as brightly as he could have, but still clearly happy I managed to get him involved. "Thank you!..."

I stuck close to him as we followed the purple cookie to the majestic dark turquoise temple, reigning in the center of the pond, and decorated by bright pink lotus flowers. We stayed awfully silent, both anxious for our own reasons. I was almost too anxious to be amazed by the beauty of the temple...

Even inside, we were still in the pond; the floor was still mostly water, decorated by water lily leaves sometimes occupied by gummy frogs, with a path of carved stone in the center to allow cookies to navigate the halls without getting their feet wet. 

Eventually, we could hear someone peacefully playing a string instrument as we entered a room with scaly pillars... ahead of us, a thin silk veil was hiding the cookie that was probably playing this music.

"Great Dragon." The flowery cookie said. "I have returned with the Cookie you wanted to see, and their... friend."

The music stopped. 

"Ah, the 'cookie' I wanted to see with my own eyes..." The cookie behind the veil moved it aside with their white silk-covered hand. Their eyes were similar to Pitaya Dragon Cookie's... Dark, with a bright glowing reptilian iris. Aside from that, their style was quite different. A floaty white kimono, turquoise dough, thick leaves for hair, and a big bright pink lotus on top of their head. With a resting, mysterious, calm smile... Ethereal. 

They were staring at me, studying me, with strange... 'hungry' eyes that terrified me almost instantly. 

Then all of a sudden, they gave me a kind smile. "Y/N... I should apologize for taking you away from the festival, but when I heard your... wish... I simply had to meet you...~"

Heard... my wish? 

I felt my chest get tighter, and my body paralyze temporarily with fear. 

No. No no no no no. This couldn't be. Not now. Not like this.

The dragon stared, still with a mysterious, hard to read smile... "You seem surprised~... Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." They said... but, a fearful part of me did not trust anything about their words.

Milk Cookie didn't say anything, but he raised a confused brow. 

"...and your wish WILL come true, I will make sure of it."

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