I Wish (part 1)

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"The Lotus Dragon..." Ginseng Cookie explained. "They reside in the Lotus Paradise, just by Hortensia Town, a close neighbor of Herbville. They say this dragon will grant wishes to those who are lucky... And I must say, you two seem to be oddly lucky so far..."

"How so?" Milk Cookie said with an amused smile.

"...Well... today happens to be the start of the Wish Festival, a tradition during which the dragon just so happens to be available to grant wishes..."

"Ohh!!" Milk Cookie looked so delighted! "What a sweet tradition! The Lotus Dragon sounds very kind!... Could you... show us the way to Hortensia Town...? If it's not too much trouble?"

Bellflower Cookie smiled. "You can accompany us! We were gonna head for the Wish Festival tonight. It will be a good time for us to hand out tonics to the cookies there..."

Milk Cookie blinked. "Oh? Tonics...? What for?"

"Well, we're not sure what it is, but the people of Hortensia Town seem to be getting sick... cookies are becoming lethargic... a few of them have been close to a coma, even."

"Dear Goodness..." Milk Cookie frowned worriedly. "...I should take a look when we arrive... I happen to be a healer myself...!" 

Bellflower Cookie smiled shyly. "Oh... you're very kind!... I'm sure they'll be grateful!"

Milk Cookie smiled back, and I noticed the pink on his cheeks. "Only doing my job!..."

I couldn't help but feel... a bit of a sting, as I watched the two of them. It shouldn't bother me like that though, it probably didn't mean anything.


Before the sunset, we helped our guides prepare a little wooden wheelbarrow with bottles of tonic at their adorable green village, full of pretty clay huts with grassy and flowery roofs.

After a walk outside of Herbville, we started being surrounded by colorful ponds, so rich with life and flowers... mostly hydrangeas and gummy frogs. With these flowers looking all gigantic due to our cookie perspective, it was so dream-like! Worthy of a paradise for pond-loving fairies...

As the sun started to set, we were greeted by houses, big ones this time! Almost luxurious, with a charming style that could remind one of Asia.


Milk Cookie and I got startled together as a colorful explosion popped in the sky. They had fireworks too!??

I couldn't help myself, I turned to smile brightly at Milk Cookie, and it seemed like seeing me smile like that only made him smile brighter!

Soon, our guides went to the market to distribute their tonics, and Milk Cookie decided to join them to check on the sick cookies. I wish I could have helped, but I didn't know that much about medicine... I was more afraid of getting in the way, so I allowed myself to go look elsewhere around the market.

A flowery cookie seemed to be giving away some lotus flower buds to everyone (still about the size of a soccer ball, for us cookies), so I approached to glance curiously at his business.

"Oh welcome, stranger!" He said, "Would you like a flower for the Wish Festival? It's free!"

I smiled a bit. "Maybe~... W-what are they for?"

"Hah! I knew you weren't from here! You see, when the sun will completely disappear and the stars will shine, the flower buds will start to glow and bloom, then we make a wish, and release them at the Lotus Paradise... For the Lotus Dragon, you see!"

"Oh!..." Milk Cookie would probably want that... And me too, I wanted to participate to that festival too, obviously. "Absolutely free...?"

"We give them away every year! Order of the Lotus Dragon. They love receiving wishes!"

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