Witch sightings

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(This chapter is kinda boring and I don't blame anyone for skipping it, but it does have some important elements that come back later in the story... Just a warning. Also it does feature a bonding moment with Purple Yam Cookie, kinda)

"...What does a toast say when you spread butter on it?"

"Huh?" Milk Cookie blinked at my out-of-the-blue question, then smiled. "I don't know! What does it say?"

"Stop bothering/buttering me." I know it was pretty bad, but at this point I knew Milk Cookie wasn't difficult, and I liked to make him chuckle. I needed every bit of cheer and optimism he could give me.

Although Purple Yam Cookie let out a "UGH.", Milk Cookie's eyes widened at the reveal of my unoriginal punchline, and a smile formed on his face.

"Hah! Haha!... I guess it would be silly if toasts could talk...!" He said.

Would it, though? In this world? I stared at him. "...Yeah! Pretty silly."

Purple Yam Cookie didn't look too amused however. He occasionally stared at me with squinting eyes. Purple Yam Cookie was always like that when we were traveling, if he wasn't expressing how one thing or another was making him angry.

We all seemed to notice something ahead of us. About as tall as the trees, but way wider, and brown.

At first I thought it was a cookie chocolate house maybe, but noticing the lack of any window, door or chimney, I then assumed it was just a huge chunk of chocolate. However, as we got closer, it became more and more apparent that it was leathery. Actual leather, not a sugar-based material for once...?

We glanced at each other, everyone shrugging in their own way, and kept approaching the large mass. It had... stitches, I could see them now, and also straps resting around the trees nearby.

I gasped in front of my cookie friends. It was a pouch. An actual human's pouch, big enough to hold maybe ten cookies at once!

"What is that...?" Milk Cookie asked with a frown.

Before I could say something, Purple Yam Cookie yelled. "I KNOW what this is... I've SEEN it before! It belongs to a WITCH!!"

Milk Cookie gasped. "A witch!? Are you sure!?"

"I COME from one's infernal home... It's where I was BORN! I know a witch's belongings when I SEE THEM."

"Or?? It could belong to a normal... normal human?? Maybe??" I said, trying to be hopeful that there could be normal people living nearby. Trying to be hopeful that this candy land wasn't in a completely different universe than mine.

Purple Yam Cookie eyed me down like I was crazy. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'normal humans'?!!"

"Purple Yam Cookie, calm down, Y/N is talking about the giant creatures sharing their homeland." Milk Cookie said.


"Y/N told me about them at the campfire before! Giant creatures with two arms and legs like us, and... Soft claws? And soft skin? Isn't that right, Y/N?"

I was anticipating a reaction from Purple Yam Cookie, and was too nervous to respond.

Purple Yam Cookie's eye seemed to twitch, his teeth clenched in fuming rage. "...Milk Cookie, THAT'S WHAT THE WITCHES LOOK LIKE!"

"Wh...what!??" Poor Milk Cookie, he was so confused...

Purple Yam Cookie angrily stepped towards me. "YOU'RE TELLING ME YOUR HOMELAND IS CRAWLING WITH WITCHES!?"


"Purple Yam Cookie, stop!" Milk Cookie called out, but his friend just stood still in front of me, breathing heavily and avidly waiting for an answer.

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