Lotus Dragon Cookie (part 3)

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"No more pointless struggle..." The dragon said, tightening their lotus roots around Milk Cookie.

Milk Cookie didn't do much, he was trying to catch his breath... He could hear his friends calling for him in the distance, and he was starting to forget it was just an illusion. 

"There... Now... just close your eyes...-"

The dragon was interrupted by a loud hissed whistling coming their way, and just as they turned... 


They were stunned by a blinding flash of colorful sparks.

"Gah!-..." The dragon shielded their face as their mandolin shattered, and the roots around Milk Cookie loosened and dropped him to the ground. 

Milk Cookie grunted and rubbed his head... He was slowly regaining his senses.

The dragon looked down upon their broken mandolin with wide eyes. "...What is the MEANING of this!?" The dragon glared my way. 

I was standing at the entrance, shaking in my boots, but trying to glare back. 

"Y/N-...?" Milk Cookie was finally getting up. "Y/N... You shouldn't be here!..."

"YOU..." The dragon was staring at me with furious, ravenous eyes. "The human chooses to come here and bring their vitality directly to me... How foolish of you..." They smiled as lotus flower roots rose behind them. "This time I will NOT let you escape my grasp!" 

Well, too late... They called me human in front of him. No time to think about it though, I was in imminent danger.

I frantically tried to prepare another firework as fast as I could as the lotus roots darted towards me... 


Milk Cookie's bright shield of light flashed as he threw himself in front of me to block the roots. 

"You shall NOT hurt Y/N!..." He angrily declared. 

"You... nuisance..." The dragon watched him with annoyance.

"Milk Cookie!" I called out. Milk Cookie didn't turn to look at me. I could see this time he was dead focused on the battle... But surely he was still listening. "Milk Cookie, I know the weakness of the dragon. It's the big glowing lotus flower they keep hidden behind the silk curtain!!"

The dragon froze and stared. "How do you-..."

"...Milk Cookie, cover me! I'll take care of it!" I lit another firework, and pointed it at the curtains, but as the rocket took off, a wall of water rose in front of us, where the rocket popped into an unimpressive cloud of smoke.

"Do not touch that flower." The dragon said, before making the wall of water charge at us as a deadly wave...

Milk Cookie turned around and rose his shield against the water, protecting us like an unmovable metal umbrella. 

The water deflected by Milk Cookie's shield was flowing right over our heads, to our right and our left... Milk Cookie's arm was shaking a bit from the effort, but somehow he kept up the small dry space for us the whole way through.

I was already reloading, lighting up another firework, and ready to aim. 

At the very end of the wave, as soon as Milk Cookie moved his shield out of the way... my rocket was already darting towards the glowing lotus flower like a shooting star...


"AGH!!-..." an explosion of colorful sparks, smoke and lotus petals forced the dragon (and everyone else) to fall to the ground...

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