Soaking wet

613 22 16

"The dock is this way! Please, turtle friend..." Milk Cookie asked with a frown. He started getting worried when the turtle suddenly turned...

We were almost there!! The land we were carried to turned out to have a deserted old wooden dock for cookies, to my biggest relief, because I knew this turtle wasn't gonna beach itself for us...

I quietly sat on the edge of the shell, on the side opposite to the dock, and kicked the water a bit with my feet (forgetting again that water was unhealthy for cookies).

"Y/N!! What are you doing!?" Milk Cookie said in shock.

But my idea was a success! My splashing bothered the turtle, and caused it to turn in direction of the dock.

Milk Cookie noticed as he was pulling me away from the water. "...Oh! The turtle listened to me!"

... "Oh!... Cool! I knew you could do it, Milk Cookie!..."

Milk Cookie smiled, "Ready yourself, Y/N! We should jump together as soon as we're close enough!"

"Will do!" I stood next to him and grabbed his hand.

He accepted that hand firmly, already dead focused on that dock.

Once it felt possible, we leapt together onto the dock... And fell right through it with a big crunch. Wooden planks flying everywhere.

I guess it was an old dock...

We splashed into the water, and immediately, Milk Cookie was flailing.

"Oh no!... Help! ANYONE! HELP!!" He called out.

But now wasn't the time to wait for help!! We had to find a way out of the water and fast! I started swimming along the dock, trying to find a ladder, then turned to glance at Milk Cookie.

He was still in the same spot... And he was still flailing messily... Oh God... He didn't know how to swim...

I swam towards him, pushing a plank of wood. "Milk Cookie! Hold on to this!!"

He didn't keep me waiting, instantly reaching out and wrapping his arms over the plank for dear life. He coughed, then stared at me with fear and confusion. "..Y-Y/N...? How do you-...??"

"Kick your legs behind you, like you're trying to kick the water off of you! Come on...!!" I pulled the plank to help him move forward, as he followed my directions without arguing.

This stupid dock had no ladders or anything... What a mess! Unless we broke the only part that had a ladder...

I angrily pulled Milk Cookie with me as we swam to shore. When our feet finally touched the bottom however... pain. Our water-soaked dough now felt so heavy. As soon as the water was down to our thighs, walking became so much effort, we almost had to crawl until we were on dry sand, where we rolled over to splat onto our back.

We were both panting. Me from the effort, and him from the scare he got...

"Y/N... You..." He panted, laying there in awe. "I thought-... I thought I was going to melt before I could ever touch land again..." He paused. "Thank you..."

"Oh my God... Don't thank me, Milk Cookie!... I-I'm sorry... it took me a moment... to realize you couldn't swim!..." I said between breaths.

He was silent a moment, catching his breath. "...But... But how do you know how to swim??... H-how did you learn to do this??..." He raised his head to look over at me, with awe and confusion.

It just then occurred to me, if water is so deadly to cookies, then of course cookies would never get to learn how to swim like humans do!

"....U-uh... I... I fell in our lake when I was younger... multiple times... I was a very stubborn kid. Weee... We worked near water a lot where I grew up..." I lied.

Milk Cookie x Reader : By My SideWhere stories live. Discover now