Lotus Dragon Cookie (part 2)

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-Y/N's POV meanwhile-

Thanks to the loud battle between Milk Cookie and the dragon going on in the palace, the guards hurried to the dragon's chambers. Ginseng, Bellflower Cookie and I were able to just barely sneak inside... 

...Strangely enough, the palace seemed empty. It seemed like the guards at the door might have been the only guards? After all, Milk Cookie and I never saw any guard on our first visit here... Maybe the dragon just really treasured their peace and solitude in their domain...

"Are you sure they even have a library in this palace?" I whispered.

My whisper alone echoed and scared me. If it weren't for the sound of a distant battle and the music of a mandolin, this place would be eerily quiet. 

"Absolutely certain." Ginseng Cookie replied. "I remember the days, long ago, when the dragon's guards seized certain texts from Hortensia Town's public library... It is clear to me now, they are trying to keep some things secret. These texts have to be somewhere in the palace..."

"...I guess it does sound like a place to look to find the dragon's weakness..."

"And find some kind of cure to whatever the dragon is doing to cookies!" Bellflower Cookie said. 

That too... and we had to act quickly. I knew that Milk Cookie was very resilient; if there's one cookie in this world that could act as a tank and distract the dragon for long enough... it was you, Milk Cookie (not that I personally knew a lot of cookies built like a brick wall, but anyway). And yet, I couldn't bare letting him fight alone any longer than we had to. 

As soon as I'd find something that can help, I was gonna go help Milk Cookie... I mean, for now I was pretty sure I'd be useless in a battle like this one, just like before... 

Eventually we came across a room with dusty books, scrolls and damaged parchments... We barely spoke a word, we knew what to do; we stared quickly going through them like rats going through cheese. Thank God cookies also write in English, for whatever reason. 

Manuals on how to care for lotus flowers, manuals on gummy frogs and water lilies, a bunch of music sheets...

I was really starting to lose my cool, and it wasn't helping that I could hear the fighting going on in the palace. Every distant blast of music made my heart beat faster.

"There!" Bellflower Cookie said. "A parchment on the dragons of legends!"

We quickly joined her, I was almost trembling with impatience. 

She squinted to read. "...It says... the Red Dragon, master of fire and battle... the Golden Dragon, master of the earth and everything that shines... the Blue Dragon, master of water and wishes... The Purple Dragon, master of darkness... and the Ivory Dragon, master of knowledge..." She sighed. "...Well, I suppose the Blue Dragon is referring to the Lotus Dragon, but... I don't see anything that can help us..." 

It felt like a punch to the guts. I said "Oh... well... It is what it is..." and returned to my reading in utter disappointment.

I thought I was going to dissociate, when I started reading something pretty good from a dusty scroll... 

"...The lotus has strong ties with these lands and was chosen by the Blue Dragon for its ability to grow strong, even in mud. One such flower, treasured so highly, was kept safe by the dragon's side at all times. This lotus flower shone brighter than a flame, and the dragon proclaimed our paradise blessed as long as the flower remained..."

"...Bellflower Cookie!!" I hurried to her to show her the scroll. 

As she went through the lines, she frowned. "Oh, my... Whatever flower they're referring to... it seems like it had magical properties... Do you think some of the dragon's powers are linked to this...?"

"Maybe... and... I think I know where it is..."

"You do...? then... where??..."

"In the dragon's chambers... throne room... whatever it is. There was a silk veil, that time we visited, it was hiding a part of the room... and the dragon stayed back there the whole time, with a dim glowing aura. Very ethereal... Maybe they're keeping it there??..."

"Well..." She seemed hesitant. "It may not be the clearest lead in the world, but... that's probably the closest thing we'll ever find about the dragon's weakness... if they DO have one..." 

"I'm afraid we don't have time to find a better lead, either, ho ho..." Ginseng Cookie said, staring at the room's entrance.

We froze in fear.

In the doorframe was standing Hydrangea Cookie, staring back at us with that everlasting calm smile.

"Hydrangea Cookie..." Bellflower Cookie started cautiously. "The dragon is keeping Hortensia Town under a curse... you have to let us stop them...!"

But Hydrangea Cookie inhaled, ready to scream out for the guards. 


One hit to the head from Ginseng Cookie's cane, and she fell to the floor unconscious. 

"Ho ho... we should really get going..." The old cookie said. "I don't usually knock people out, but this situation is making me a little tense..."

Bellflower Cookie and I both sighed in relief. 

"I agree. I'm... I'm gonna go tell Milk Cookie about the dragon's flower, I guess-" I had to do something. I couldn't wait anymore.

So I rushed out of the room to follow the music of the dragon's Mandolin, as the two other cookies followed behind.

But, passing by another room, I noticed from the corner of my eye big, colorful, dragon-shaped firework rockets. 

I slid to a stop, and stepped backwards to peek into the room. 

"Huh... Fireworks?"

"Oh, I recognize those..." Bellflower Cookie said. "They were confiscated from last year's festival because they were too... explosive." She frowned. 

I studied the fireworks, as a glint of excitement slowly formed inside me. "Do you have anything to make fire?"

"Of course, I have a few matches... I often need a flame to prepare the ingredients of our tonics." She replied. "But... em... You're not thinking about using those fireworks, are you?" She asked nervously.

echoing through the halls, we recognized Milk Cookie's voice grunting in pain. 

This triggered an instant rush of adrenalin and panic in me as I quickly strapped three firework rockets to my back, and I turned to Bellflower Cookie holding one in my arms. "Can I have your matches? Please? I'll repay you! Somehow!"

She sighed. "...We are out of ideas, and time. Take them." She handed me a few of them. 

I snatched them from her hand (not to be rude, I was just... really in a hurry). "Thank you!" and headed straight towards the dragon's throne room. 

I was gonna fuck shit up and show Milk Cookie he's not alone, if it's the last thing I do. 

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