Chapter 7 - Sorry

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Things happened sooner than Soobin had expected them to happen.

So, there he was standing at the edge of the dean's oak desk with Ji-sul standing on the other edge, the bruises on his face swelled up just fine to look ugly with the shades of blue.

Soobin was having a hard time trying to hide his smirk when the dean seemed to question Ji-sul more than him.

Because as he assumed- more like knowing nobody would even believe Ji-sul.

"Choi, where is your father?"

The dean's question made Soobin raise up his head clearing his throat, his father ending up here wouldn't be a good news for him whatsoever, the man would either way end up punishing him because to his father dignity matters the most. The man was strict, cold but sweet and expressive too when he did something well. If there is something Soobin didn't ever want to see in his father's eyes, that would be disappointment.

"Not my father," Soobin said, sounding as calm as he could, "he is busy with some of his work so my cousin will be here."

"Is their name on your application as your guardian?"

"Yes, sir. Jeon Jungkook, his name and he is my cousin from my mother's side."

The dean gave a curt nod and silence was again surrounding them and Soobin shifted his attention to Ji-sul's father that sat on the chair in front of the dean dead on glaring at him, his posture rigid and clothes expensive.

No wonder why Ji-sul always had his pockets stacked with bucks and roaming around with a black card- not his own of course, it was his father's for sure. The man worked for some high end company being one of the board of directors.

"Just give this kid the suspension and save us both the time. He bullied my son and even said he would do it again, why am I supposed to even wait? I have shit to do." Ji-sul's father shifted his attention to the dean, eyes briefly shifting to his Rolex watch a dismissive grunt leaving his lips.

The dean merely scoffed with a shake of head. "First of all Mr. Park, your tone of voice and language isn't appreciated." He said, voice firm and authoritative. "Secondly, I personally feel like Soobin would never do such a thing and as I have questioned a teacher- as the statement given by Soobin- also confirmed that Soobin was with her and a person can't be at two places at once." He concluded.

The man raised his eyebrow, clearly irritated. "So are you hinting that my son is lying?"

"Yes, I am. The oh so praisable deeds of your son aren't as hidden as it might seem to you, I suppose. I am actually surprised that you trust your son enough even after things he has done and the number of times you have been here." A hum left the dean, clearly taunting the man. "Parents have a weak spot for their child after all, but at times like this you need to toughen up."

Ji-sul's father rolled his eyes, glare fixed on Ji-sul now, and Soobin was having a bit too much fun seeing the boy shrink under his father's intense gaze.

A sight to see and definitely to enjoy it was for Soobin at least.

There were quite a few knocks on the door before a head poked in and Soobin had to put on his most innocent face he could have ever pulled off looking back at Jungkook who had entered with his sling bag around his torso, clad in his formal attire.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, Soobin's cousin. He said I was called here." Jungkook said, voice a bit more shakier than he expected it to be. Being surrounded by the two other older male wasn't a boost of confidence after all, and on top of that he was practically dragged into this situation.

The things he had to do just because Soobin was Taehyung's favorite, if not being threatened by his husband he wouldn't even step in here.

"Hello to you, Mr. Jeon. I'm the dean of this university, you could refer to me as Mr. Han."

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