Chapter 27 - Loved

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"So," Soobin cleared his throat as he finally kept his chopsticks aside looking up from his empty bowl where only remnants of the japchae were left, "Yeonjun Hyung and I are dating."

"Dating?" Yeonjun hissed as he pinched Soobin's thigh.

"Boyfriends!" Soobin corrected himself, slapping Yeonjun's hand away from his thigh and caressing over the area which was throbbing. "We're in a serious relationship." 

"Stop joking around." Soobin's mother, Choi Yuna, giggled as she stood up and collected her husband's utensils along with her own. "As far as I know, Yeonjun hasn't broken up with his boyfriend." She shrugged, walking off to the kitchen.

"I have." Yeonjun frowned seeing both of the elders share a glance between themselves. "It's been months."

"Then, why…?" Soobin's father, Choi Seojoon, trailed off seemingly struggling to continue his words before he just sighed. "I had a talk with your father yesterday, Yeonjun, he said Ji-sul was at your house."

"What?!" Soobin exclaimed he looked at Yeonjun who looked equally baffled with the words said. "Why so?"

"Apparently, since you both are leaving tomorrow for Yeonjun's, Ji-sul dropped by there yesterday itself to spend time with his boyfriend's family." Seojoon explained resting his elbows over the dinner table. "Are you sure you've broken up with Ji-sul, Yeonjun?" He raised his eyebrows that made creases form on his forehead. "You aren't playing with my child are you?"

"No! Ajusshi, no!" Yeonjun desperately reached out to hold the man's hand in both of his own hands. "I really, really love your son, it's just…" he struggled because he didn't know which words would be most appropriate, "just…" he tried again but couldn't come up with the words that would be most suitable.

"Ji-sul hyung can't let go of hyung yet." Soobin said instead, he sighed his stomach now feeling nauseous even at the thought of Ji-sul still somehow forcing himself in the picture. "He still claims to love hyung, even when he cheated on him."

"Ji-sul cheated on you." Yuna gasped, as she sat back on her chair. "But… you both were so in love." She said in a pitiful tone. "I can't believe someone as precious as Ji-sul could do something like that."

Her words burned Yeonjun's heart, he withdrew his hand back from holding Seojoon and wrapped them around himself. "Even I never imagined." He whispered. "But then again, if I hadn't known I wouldn't have ever found my true love." He looked up at Soobin and reached out to hold the younger's hand under the table.

Yuna seemed uncomfortable as she fiddled with her ring, she inhaled a deep breath as she started to speak. "You aren't just using my son get over your past—"

"Eomma!" Soobin was quick to cut his mother off before he could add anything in his boyfriend's defence there was a firm hand on his thigh that made him seal his lips shut.

Yeah, it's something Yeonjun has to answer for, as of course Soobin's parents would worry about their son, they were valid and so was their insecurities.

"I truly understand your concerns," Yeonjun chuckled under his breath, he felt his heartbeat pace up the moment Soobin placed his hand on his, a simple touch was enough to spark up the fire of his confidence, "but I swear, I really love Soobin, yes, I can never love him like I loved Ji-sul." He inhaled a deep breath and turned his hand to intertwine his fingers with Soobin's. "But that's how it is right? We can't love a person just like we loved someone else."

Both, Seojoon and Yuna, nod their heads as if keenly waiting for Yeonjun to speak more and clarify it to them, after all, Soobin was their only son, they couldn't have their son's heart broken just because the other was selfish enough to do it.

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