Chapter 28 - Tomorrow

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"You said you weren't in a mood anymore, hy-hyung." Soobin moaned as Yeonjun slid down his dick in slow motion, the warmth his cock was engulfed in was squeezing him tight. He gulped kissing over the older's sweaty chest as he aimed a thrust upwards. "Look at you now... riding me like you were fucking made for it."

Yeonjun just smirked down at the younger, raising up and going back down, his thighs straining as he rolled his hips taking in Soobin deeper. "You're so easy to seduce." He fluttered his eyes closed as Soobin sucked on his nipple, biting down the flesh making him jolt. "All I had to do was lay naked with ass up, that's all Binnie- ah," he whimpered clenching around the cock buried deep inside him, "fuck, feels so good."

"Does it now, princess?" Soobin just closed eyes as he kneaded Yeonjun's ass while the older rode him slow and steady, he sighed at the tingles of pleasure that shot down his spine. "I'm doing absolutely nothing, love. It's you using me to make yourself feel good."

"I absolutely love the sound of it." Yeonjun hissed, raising up completely and staring down at Soobin before taking the cock in him, letting the burn of stretch settle in with the satisfaction of finally doing it again. "Me using you, just like I'm supposed to." He leaned down to kiss his boyfriend, tugging on the lower lip stretching it before leaving it back.

Nodding, Soobin trailed his hand over Yeonjun's slim waist aiming himself to thrust in the prostate and smirked when the red haired cried out. "Shh, love," he bit down Yeonjun's collarbone, "we don't want my parents to wake up."

"Oh yeah," Yeonjun giggled as he hugged Soobin, "didn't you promise your mother that we wouldn't have sex until we get married." He clenched around Soobin feeling the younger shiver against him. "Look at us."

Soobin laughed. "Yeah, look at us." He kissed Yeonjun, scratching his nails down the other's back. "Fuck, you feel awesome." He breathed out before he pulled Yeonjun closer to his body. "Tell me I'm the only one who would ever see you all pretty like this."

"You're the only one." Yeonjun felt his heart beat faster as he just sat down, feeling his muscles strain from all the movements, he moved his hips in circular motion throwing his head back, eyes clamped shut when Soobin kissed down his neck before sucking over his throat. "Always, Binnie, just you, only you."

"Tell me you love me."

"I love you."

"Only me?"

"Just you, baby."

Licking over the nipple Soobin teasingly tugged it between his teeth, he needed to distract himself from his thoughts and the stupid overthinking that possibly never left but yet he was feeling insecure.

Ji-sul is literally babied by Yeonjun's parents, he was there when Yeonjun had announced his relationship with Ji-sul and he swore the Choi couple were so happy.

Would Yeonjun's parents react the same to their relationship too? Or would they be disappointed?

Definitely disappointed, he is sure, Ji-sul has his life planned ahead, everything settled already. All he has to do is complete his degree and he'd be easily appointed as the top surgeon in any hospital, even Yeonjun has everything planned.

And then there is him, a common business student, Soobin knows how hard the struggle of getting a job in his field is, but he aimed to start up his own firm and God forbid if he failed... Goddamnit.

'Fuck, this is all a bad idea.' He rested his head against Yeonjun's shoulder biting down his lips as he sighed at the warmth clenching around his dick. 'Hyung is going to disappoint his parents the moment they know you are his boyfriend.' Shaking his head, he tried to focus on Yeonjun for now.

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