Chapter 5 - Hurts

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The hustle around made Soobin click his tongue cursing himself over the fact that he had forgotten to bring his earphones, he looked at his side seeing Yeonjun walk beside him with earphones stuffed.

Reaching out, Soobin pulled out the earpiece out of Yeonjun's ear seeing the older male squint his eyes at him, "Hey, hyung." He smiled.

"Hello to you, Soobin." Yeonjun smiled back, still a bit embarrassed from all the things that took place yesterday, he was glad that they haven't posted their pictures yet so none of the people around knew that they have been dating— fake dating.

"Uh," Soobin licked over his lips, leaning down so he could whisper his words, "lend me your earphones please, you have class anyways and why do you even need earphones?" He reasoned, stretching out his hand asking for it.

"You have classes too?" Yeonjun rolled his eyes thinking about how lame Soobin's reasoning sounded, "Also, I do need the earphones. Why do you need it?"

"I want to hear songs."

Yeonjun frowned. "So do I want to."

"Your taste in music is like shit, how don't your ears bleed?" Soobin scoffed, his eyebrows pinching together seeing Yeonjun's lips parting to immediately start a full blown fight while it's ten in the morning nonetheless Soobin is ready for this.

"Umm, Soobin?"

They both turn to the voice seeing Chaeyoung nervously fidgeting with her fingers, her face looks paler and kinda empty because she had always been the one to apply some glitter eyeshadow, hair tied up in a bun than leaving it down letting her brunette strands curling around her shoulders.

She looked sad— or something around that line.

Or was Soobin overanalyzing?

"Yes, Chaeyoung?" Soobin smiled at her, seeing immediate blush covering her pale cheeks as soon as he had said her name, her almond eyes lit up as she took a step closer to him.

"Are you really dating…" she paused, eyes flickering to Yeonjun who stood there confused seeing the girl's eyes dampen with sadness before she again raised her gaze to look at Soobin, "him?" She completed, swallowing down the bile that rises in her throat.

"I…" Soobin glanced at Yeonjun, his eyebrows raising as if silently trying to ask Yeonjun if he had posted those pictures but getting a confused look from the peach haired male he sighed looking forward at Chaeyoung, she looked hurt making him clench his jaw, "yes, we are dating."

"O-oh, umm, I know it might be wrong but I atleast want you to know that I like you… a lot." Chaeyoung whispered, reaching out to pat over Soobin's shoulder, smiling at the taller.

Soobin looked away briefly before he held Chaeyoung's hand in his, seeing her flinch slightly but still she didn't pull out her hand. "I'm sorry." He said, looking right into her eyes.

"What? Why are you sorry? It's just I didn't, ya know…  wanted to regret the rest of my life not telling you at all, so here I just said it, didn't confess or something." She forced out a laugh, shrugging, hand tightening over Soobin's hand, holding it that way— in a wish that she wouldn't have to let it go.

But she had too and so she did let go, she didn't want someone she liked already getting into a fight with their love interest because of her, she turned towards Yeonjun seeing the male somewhat guilty.

"Ah, Yeonjun sunbaenim, I hope you will take care of Soobin. Just know that someone has liked him for years, you don't know how lucky you are..." Her voice trailed off and her last words were a mere whisper but she was quick to broaden her smile. "I wish you both well! Have a great day ahead!" She bowed before walking off to an opposite direction.

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