Chapter 16 - Dating

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Things took quite a very sharp turn three nights ago, Soobin confessed, and Yeonjun agreed that he'd give them a chance.

So why were they back to avoiding each other?

This time this avoidance wasn't only one way, Soobin never left his room until Yeonjun walked out of the apartment and Yeonjun didn't try to make a conversation busy getting his mind and feelings soughted out.

Things done or said on impulse always bring regret usually.

More thought put through it, more spice of overthinking added and that creates a perfect mess of the head that makes untruthful scenarios and then the mind convinces that we can see the future and all this made up shit is the future.

Perfect for wrecking relationships which haven't even started.

But, now the ignorance couldn't be continued because it was the day Soobin was finally going back to university again and they got out together because their first classes scheduled on the exact time were just a half-hour difference but that's no big deal.

So Yeonjun sat on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through his phone already ready in his clothes wearing a loose fit because it was humid out there, glancing back at Soobin's room door sighing when the younger didn't walk out.

"We'd get late Soobin!" He shouted, probably also the first words he spoke to the younger in days.

The door finally opened and Yeonjun didn't expect a shirtless Soobin to walk out with not even his pants buttoned up, hanging low on his hips and his underwear clearly out in front of his eyes.

"The chain is maybe stuck and I can't zip it, help… please." Soobin murmured standing in front of Yeonjun, cheeks red with embarrassment, he could have done it on his own but his injured wrist left no chance.

Nodding Yeonjun sat up, shifting until he was sitting on the edge of the couch, hands hovering over the chain looking up at Soobin who just stared down at him in return.

"Didn't you have other pants?" Yeonjun questioned, pulling on the zip making Soobin stumble, just a few inches more and Yeonjun's face would have met the other's covered dick.

"I gave them all off to the laundry," Soobin flinched when Yeonjun's palm pressed against his length, "aye, take care of where your hand is." 

Rolling his eyes Yeonjun gave Soobin a disgusted look, pulling over zip trying to get the chain close without letting his palm press over the groin. 

Yeonjun gave up, pushing away Soobin with his thighs. "Just strip off." He said

"They are tight around the hip, and wouldn't even slide down." Soobin grunted, pulling on his pants trying to elaborate his words.

"It wouldn't be wrong for me to think you are doing this on purpose?" Yeonjun asked, smiling seeing Soobin's face going redder before he shook his head and tried to solve the issue with the chain.

"Yah!" Soobin gasped, offended by Yeonjun's words. "Why would I even do that?" He argued. "I told you that it doesn't slide down and other pants are in the laundry because you didn't give them for cleaning." And there Soobin ended up blaming everything on Yeonjun.

"It was because you ignored me right after confessing your feelings, who does that huh?" Yeonjun raised another question, finally pulling the zip up and buttoning up the pants patting over Soobin's thigh.

"Can you just forget about it? I loved you, I don't love you, there is a difference." Soobin licked over his lips, not meeting Yeonjun's eyes anymore.

Yeonjun scoffed at the obvious lie and still decided to play along. "Then love me again."

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