Chapter 25 - Salacious

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It was dumb, it really was how Yeonjun was sitting on the bed freshly showered with hair still dripping wet while he scrolled through his phone, this really silly article named 'How to have the best anal sex?' opened on tab, even reading through the words has him embarrassed and he has no idea if such things even exist.

Relaxing. Clenching. Reciprocating. These words were suddenly sounding so dirty that Yeonjun had to look away from his phone every two minutes, he looked down at himself wearing just one of Soobin's cobalt blue oversized shirts and some white laced panties.

Didn't Soobin once get worked up when he wore those black ones?

He wished he could have the same reaction from Soobin again, he doesn't want to be embarrassed and also be very innocent, unknown.

Kissing. Fingering. Thrusting. These are the basic steps. He has watched a thousand of porn videos in his life, literally since the age of fourteen and he watched it for the very first time with Soobin.

Oh, the way the world has spinned around.

Now, today they'd be the one doing the things they watched in that video.

Even the thought of it has immediate heat rise up his cheeks as he backed away from the search result clearing his history before keeping his phone on the side table making sure it was silent, even Soobin's phone was left behind and he also made sure to silence it.

Wouldn't want any kind of notification ruining the moment after all.

Taking a deep breath Yeonjun stands on his feet and walks towards the window, looking down the streets seeing it as busy as ever, he frowns he finds Soobin there standing with a plastic bag in his hand while having a conversation with someone.

That someone being Haebom absolutely turned Yeonjun livid, he gritted his teeth, watching from afar how Soobin gave him a smile before they hug and part ways.

Did Soobin just hug Haebom?

Yeonjun's fingers curled in a fist as he walked towards the bed sitting down with a bounce while his heart only seemed to get heavier and the veins literally pumping blood through a little faster that he felt the rush, brain is just a mess of feelings and he feels pissed off to the roof.

Scared. He was absolutely scared.

And he didn't knew how to express it in any other way than anger.

When the sound of door unlocking and the keys jingle, Yeonjun just bursted out of the room taking quick steps towards Soobin who seems pleasantly surprised and a little bit entranced.

Yeonjun pushed Soobin so the younger's back met the door, the sound of the collision rings through the silence of the apartment and Soobin groaned in pain.

"What did I even—?"

"How dare you even smile at that bitch?! Why did you hug him?!"

There was a moment of silence and Soobin was barely focusing on what his boyfriend was screaming about, rather his eyes just glided all over the other, gulping seeing his love in his shirt, slipping down one end of his shoulder and God, he saw the white lace peeking out.

Blood rushed straight to his south as he kept staring at those legs, looking so soft, remembering those thighs being so supple under his tongue, the barely lit room providing Yeonjun's body with so much dimension.

Yeonjun's red hair was still wet, framing his face gorgeously so, he was practically glowing with a deep pout on his puffy lips and the way his cheeks puffed out, his feline eyes narrowed and strong eyebrows creased together.

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