Chapter 1

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Sonics pov:

"Just give up already egghead" eggman had another one of his dumb robots trying to fight us, they were never very difficult to fight most of the time so it got a bit boring sometimes since they were pretty weak.

"Sonic prepare to be defeated by my new and very much improved 'burn bot'!" Did he really think I couldn't beat another one of his burn bots again? The last one I fought was pretty easy so I aloud myself to get a bit more cocky then usual, let's just say that I don't think that was the best idea.

"Is that the best you got?" Eggman had said with a with an evil grin on his face , I don't know what was up with me and nether did knuckles and tails, "sonic you okay over there? Tails looked pretty worried due to my performance during this fight since it hasn't been very good, I mean this robot seems to be stronger then the others, and by quite a bit. "I'm fine tails no need to worry about me!" I said to tails with a smile to help him from worrying, I mean I was already worrying quite a bit since we seemed to be pretty evenly matched with that robot or even worse that robot may even be a bit stronger. I decided that it would be best if I just dogged it's attack's while I thought of a plan.

"You guys are offaly loud so why don't you just finish off eggman already" after I heard someone say that with a deep cold tone I just knew who it was I didn't even have to look over to know that it was shadow "what do you think I'm trying to do shadow?" Honestly I was just as done with eggman as shadow must have been with all the nosie.

I could tell that shadow was most definitely fed up with it since not more then about 10 seconds later I see shadow jump past me into the air and aerial  jumb kicked that egghead's robot right in the face sending it flying into the air. Right after kicking eggmans robot through the air shadow uses chaos control to teleport to eggman and punches the Egg Mobile with extreme power causing it and him to go flying though the air along with his robot.

"Wow shads you made that look so easy!" I was honestly a bit surprised I mean I knew shadow was strong but I didn't think he was that strong. "I made it look easy because it was easy, that's all" shadow sounded a bit cold while saying that and I think knuckles could tell "man no need to be an ass about it!" Knuckles sounded pretty angry which made me worried since I didn't know how shadow would react to it. "I'm not I was just saying, it seems like you're the one being an ass about it, you mad that you couldn't beat the doctors little robot and him?" Shadow sounded very snarky which I knew knux wouldn't react well too so I thought I should step in before they take it too far, "that's enough you too! It's really not that big of a deal, let's just get home" I already had a headache from eggmans obsesses taking so I knew I wouldn't be able to handle them yelling at eachother any longer. "Whatever I'd rather not talk to shadow anymore then I have too" and at that we went on our way, knuckles to angel island and me and tails to our house.

What did you think so far? This is my first fanfic that I'm publishing so I would love to know what you all think about it. Is the writing any good? - Mouse

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