Chapter 10

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Sonic's pov:

It's been about a week since that incident and since then things have been amazing! Shadow has been way more open around me and overall seems way less stressed out because of it, the only thing that I don't like all that much is that when we're around other people he seems to close himself off completely and go back to his old ways, like he doesn't want them to take advantage of him or is worried that they will think differently of him because of it. I just wish he could feel comfortable enough to be himself around our friends and not just me.. but I guess that'll take some time.


I was just sitting downstairs watching tv while tails was working on another one of his inventions when I heard my phone ring, I looked over to it, picking it up and looking at the contact to see that it was non other then shadow.

"Hey shadow! What's up?" I asked with a cheerful tone to my voice "not much I just wanted to ask you something" he answered back it a way more serious tone, sounding like he's talking to someone of higher authority or something, 'sometimes I feel he needs to relax a bit, be more casual and less serious all the time' I thought to myself. "Go ahead, what did you want to ask?" There was a slight pause after this, like he was really thinking about what to say next or how he should go about saying it, "do you have any plans tonight?" He had said with a slight more nervous tone, but still seeming to be trying to keep cool. Which if I'm being honest he's doing a pretty good job at doing. "I think so, you know it's hard being the hero sometimes" I had said with sarcastic tone to my voice and most likely a slight laugh as well since I was barely able to hold it in with what I had said.

"So I'll take it as you're free?"

"Yeah I'm free."

Once finishing this call and I took a second to think to myself about the call I could feel my heart flutter, and it felt so right. For as long as I can remember I would be all over the place fighting eggman and saving peoples and their families lives, and maybe. Just maybe I could be able to experience love at first hand. Just maybe.

Shadow's pov:

'I can't believe it! He said yes! Ugh I need to calm down and grow up jeez' I thought to myself, facepalming. I had made plans to take sonic out for dinner tonight so I made sure to text him that so he wouldn't eat before hand and not be hungry when we got to the restaurant. I had also planed to head out to the store to buy some flowers for sonic and give them to him when I go to pick him up, the only problem with this plan was that I had no idea what type of flowers sonic likes, and I know one person who most definitely does... amy.

I knew amy had work today at vanilla's bakery and I was really not looking forward to this, that's for sure. I decided to just get this trip done and over with and tried not to think over it too much knowing I would just get frustrated and annoyed, which I know amy wouldn't talk to me if I was like that, and I mean I don't really blame her. I got what I needed and headed out the door and started to make my way to the bakery.

I may be able to chaos control but I was really trying to stall as long as I possibly could, which is exactly why I decided to walk instead.

Once I arrived outside I bakery I started up at the sign reading 'Vanilla's Bakery'.

'At least you know what your coming for when you read the sigh' I thought at I entered the building, I then looked up slightly to see amy at the counter just looking up at me "oh hello shadow, fancy seeing you here!" She had said it her annoyingly cheerful ass childish voice, "I'm not here to buy anything. I just needed to ask you something about sonic is all. I stated simply.

"Something about s-sonic"

"Yes, you heard right."

"Well um, what about sonic exactly? She asked most definitely seeming surprised to say the least, "what is his favourite type of flower?" Getting straight to the point. I could tell she was way more shocked than before which made it even easier for her to start to ask questions about my intentions.

"Why? Why would you need to know what type of flowers sonic likes?!"

"Ever heard of curiosity killed the annoying pink hedgehog?"

"W-wha, hey that's not a thing!"

"It is now."

I was soon growing impatient and just wanting to get this done right now, and I might have to tell amy about me and sonics 'thing' we've got somewhat going on to do it at this point.

"Ugh fine I'll tell you! He likes red roses, he likes to keep it classic." Once she had said this I felt a huge weight lifted off my back "thank you." I said simply and before she could ask any more annoying questions I chaos controlled to the flower shop to get sonic a bouquet of red roses.

I'm really starting to run out of ideas for this story and it sucks, like I have a slight idea for the date but after that I have no clue so if you do have any ideas please feel free to lmk. I have no idea when I plan to start to work on the next chapter but probably not for a while as grad is very close by, if there are a bunch of errors in shadow's pov and a bit of sonics I wouldn't be surprised as it's 1:00 am atm and I decided to finally finish this chapter. Anyways hope you enjoyed it!

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