Chapter 3

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Shadow's pov:

My ear twitched as I heard the sound of my bedroom door being opened, I then I found myself being shock back and fourth "time to get up shadow!" As much as I wanted to stay asleep though the shaking my body couldn't, "ughh what time is it?." I honestly still felt kinda tired most likely from the lack of sleep I had gotten that night, "it's 7:15 AM shadow, you know I don't like you sleeping in, so get up!" While rouge had yelled into my ear it caused me to flinch and shot up from my comfortable position in my bed. "Okay, okay I'm up, happy?" Honestly I was not happy with how rouge had woken me up especially since rouge knew I wasn't a morning person.

"Yes hun, I am happy. Now come on I made us some pancakes" I did quite enjoy the taste of pancakes and rouge knew that, she probably made them knowing I would be upset with her after waking me up, but honestly I didn't really care about that at the moment since I was extremely hungry.

After watching rouge walk out the door I decided that I should probably take a shower since I felt kind of gross. After finishing up any necessary things upstairs I began head down the hall to the stairs, after making my way down I looked over to see rouge siting over at the dining table.

"Took you long enough shadow" I couldn't tell if rouge was honestly a bit annoyed with how long I took or if she was just joking to help brighten the mood or something, "yeah, yeah whatever rouge".

I then sat down at the table, sitting across the table from rouge and began to pour some maple syrup onto my pancakes. "Shadow you don't need to drown them in it! That's suck a waste of syrup" rouge looked a little disgusted by what I did but I didn't really care "yes I do because it tastes better like this" "whatever you say shadow".

Once I had finished my pancakes I couldn't help but think about the dream, I wanted to know so badly who was in it. The more I thought about it the more I started to remember little bits of it, I remember that me and this person were outside, I think we were at a park I couldn't remember exactly where since that part of it still seemed a bit fuzzy in my head but me and this person seemed to have been close, I don't remember much about how they sounded but I think they were a male judging by what I do remember which confused me a bit when it comes to the relationship I had with this person since I don't really see myself being attracted to males, but I mean I don't really see myself being attracted to anyone really, but other then that I still don't remember much.

"Shadow you okay? You looked like you zoned out" rouge looked a little worried but also a bit interested in why I zoned out, "oh yeah I'm fine, I'm gonna go for a walk to clear my head" I just needed a quite place to think, "oh okay hun, just don't be gone for too long in case I end up needing your help with something" "rouge if you need help with something go call your boyfriend knuckles or something" honestly I just didn't wanna have to deal with rouge while I was gone, I just felt like I needed space away for a few hours to think, and at that I walked out the door.

Sonic's pov:

Me and silver decided that we would go for a walk on a trail by the park since staying at our houses got really boring, "sonic what have you been up too recently?" "Oh well nothing really, I fought.. well tried to fight eggman.." honestly I still felt a bit embarrassed about not being able to fight his robot but it was just too strong, there wasn't anything I could really do." "What do you mean you tried too?" After silver had ask me that I felt a little self conscious since I couldn't beat eggman but I knew that silver wouldn't judge me so I told him everything that happened. "Oh wow, well it's good no one got hurt but I don't think shadow had to act all sassy about it" honestly as much as I appreciated shadow's help silver was right, and I mean I wasn't surprised shadow had acted that way since he always does but sometimes it just becomes to much. "Sonic I think I'm gonna start to head home, thanks for hanging out with me though" and at that we shared our goodbyes and went our separate ways, silver heading home while I continued to walk along the trail.

- Mouse

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