Chapter 2

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Shadow's pov:

After watching sonic and his team walk off I felt weird, something felt off but I decided to just push it out of my mind and head home, I mean rouge was probably wondering where I was.

After chaos controlling infront of mine and rouge's home I opened the door to see rouge siting on the couch with a mug in her hand, "there you are hun, where were you?" I honestly didn't think I should need to tell her but I knew if I didn't that she would that keep nagging me to tell her "I was dealing with the doctor since apparently team sonic isn't capable of dealing with him themselves, "why would you help them!? They are our enemy, our rivals!"

Did she really think I helped them because I liked them or something? "Don't get it twisted bat! I only helped them since they were being so obnoxious and it was giving me a major headache". I may be able to tolerate rouge but she really needs to learn to mind her damn business sometimes, "okay shadow whatever you say." After me and rouge's conversation she went back to watching tv and I decided that I was gonna head to bed, after all it was pretty late.

I kept waking up in the middle of the night due to a dream I was having. It was of a certain person, but who? As I tried my best to remember the dream I rubbed the sleep from my eyes a took a look to my left to look at my alarm clock "ugh it's only 12:00 AM." It was really starting to bother me that I couldn't remember who I was dreaming about since I never normally dreamed about people.

Of course other then maria, but that wasn't really a dream, it was more like a nightmare. But this was weird since I normally had that same nightmare every night sometimes it gets a little longer as I slowly start to remember more about how life was on the ark, but this night I haven't had that nightmare, only that same dream, over, and over, and over again, not being able to remember anything about it when I wake up other then me having it. But why? Why couldn't I remember? I could remember other dreams I had but why not this one? It just didn't make sense, things just didn't add up.

Sonic pov:

I wasn't tired at all, I mean this wasn't completely out of the blue for me but still it got a bit frustrating sometimes, I had a lot on my mind so I assumed that maybe that was the reason I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a run to clear my head.

I quietly got out of bed and walked over to my bedroom door, trying to make as little noise as I could so I wouldn't wake tails. I opened the door and quietly shut it behind me then began to walk down the hall taking a right turn to the staircase. I then began to walk down the steps as quickly and quietly as possible. After making my way downstairs I walked over to the front door which was right infront of the staircase and began to put on my shoes. Once I had gotten my shoes on I quietly walked out the door making sure I shut it on my way out.

"Ah finally, some fresh air!" Once I had gotten outside I began to run to one of my favourite spots, it was a fairly large hill overlooking the city not to fair from the small area I lived, I very much enjoyed overlooking the city and all the bright lights among the buildings helping make the city feel more alive.

I didn't know how much time had past by I assumed a lot had to have passed due to me being able to see the tiniest bit of light appear in the sky and the moon slowly beginning to go down, judging by that I decided it would probably be best that I head home and get some rest, so that's exactly what I did.

What do you think? I quite enjoyed writing about shadow talking about the dream that he had and a bit about a nightmare he has, I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. I will be sure to update this story for you all and I hope you are enjoying it so far! - Mouse

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