Chapter 7

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"shadow, you aren't and will never be an emotionless monster, I will be here for you whenever you need me."

"I know you will rouge."

Sonic's pov:

I was just laying in my bed looking at my phone, I mean it's not like there was really anything else to do right now anyways. I didn't really feel like going for a run at the moment since it was pretty dark out and didn't want to end up getting lost or something so I just continued to scroll though my phone liking the occasional funny meme or a picture of one of my friends that would pop up on the screen.

Soon after scrolling though instagram I ended up looking to see if I had anything better to do on my phone but to no avail, soon after I ended up falling asleep, most likely due to boredom.

'Beep' 'beep' 'beep'!!
After walking up to my annoying ass alarm clock I end up smacking the top where a button was to stop the beeping, accidentally knocking it off my end table in the process. "Ughh! What time is it?!"

I end up seeing that my phone is on my end table but seeing that it wasn't plugged in indicating that I must of forgot to plug it in last night. Luckily though this isn't the first time this has happened and every other time this has happened my phone still had some battery left in it.

Slowly I reached for my phone pressing the power button at the side of my phone, realising that it didn't turn on I held down on it thinking that I must have powered it down before going to sleep last night.

"Oh come on! You gotta be kidding me right now!" I was definitely not having the best morning right now. Soon after realising my phone was dead I got up and reached for the charger to plug it in and also my alarm clock that was laying on the floor so that I could check the time, due to me being clueless about what time it was, for I all knew it could be the early afternoon and tails could have just not gotten me up.

After looking at the time I realised that it is 9:23 am at the moment, I was just glad that I didn't sleep though the whole morning. After that I decided I probably should start getting ready for today so I left my room to go brush my teeth and take a shower, even if I may not be too fond of water I much prefer to take showers over taking baths since I have a way better chance of drowning in the bath then in the shower.

Once I finished up washing my quills and the rest of myself I turned off the shower head and turned off the tap that came on after turning off the shower head, stepping out of the shower I reach up to grab the towel that was hanging on the door, once I began to reach for the towel I curtain ebony hedgehog came up in my head, "I bet shadow probably wouldn't be able to reach this very easily since I'm taller than him and I can just barely reach it, oh wait he probably would just use his rocket shoes to reach it like he uses them to cheat and try and beat me in races.  He would look so cute trying to reach it!- wait, did I just say that?!

Shadow's pov:

Me and rouge ended up finishing up our conversation about 10ish minutes ago and I have to say, I do feel better now that I talked to her about it. Since she left to go bother knuckles I've just been in the living room sitting on the couch reading a book. 'The lord of the rings' to be exact. Me and rouge world always have a special night schedule on Fridays where we would watch movies and shows, our favourite being 'lord of the rings' even if I prefer the book, but I also much prefer to read then watch television.

After what had seemed to have been around a half hour or so I hear key's jingle in the door clearly showing that rouge was home. Once the door opened a white bat appeared in the door way walking in the house and closing the door behind her. "Hey hun, guess what!" Rouge said in a enthusiastic tone, "what is it rouge? Let me guess knuckles didn't let you steal the Master Emerald.. again?"

"No! Ugh, why do you always so low of me shadow? Whatever not the point, what I was going to say it that while I was hanging out with knuckle sonic ended up stoping by angel island and giving me and knuckles an invitation to a house party at his, no kids since they are all going over to vanilla's."

"Thank chaos he didn't invite me"

"Oh and shadow guess what! He gave me another invitation to give you!" You got to be kidding me right now, there is NO WAY that I'm going over to fakers house, I thought before my thoughts being interrupted by rouge.

"Shadow, I know you most likely don't want to come bu-"

"Ofcouse I don't want to go!"

"Shadow you are going! That's that! You need to get out of the house more and have some fun for once."

"And if I don't?" I wasn't to concerned since a I didn't think rouge would be able to come up with anything to make me go"

"If you don't I'll burn every single book you own"

"You're joking-" "no shadow, I'm not, I'm dead serious"

"Ughh fine I'll go! Happy?!"

"Yes I am, now make sure you're ready for it since the party is tonight at 6:30PM."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I guess I'm going to fakers house for the first time tonight.

I'm so happy to be able to update this book again and hopefully chapters will be coming out a little faster now, sorry if this chapter was a bit boring but I hope you enjoyed it.

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