Chapter 12

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Shadow's pov:

After the slightly long drive though our slowly darkening town me and Sonic hopped off the bike, taking our helmets off and hanging them off the handlebars. 'Oh wow Shads, you really out did yourself!" Sonic stated, looking slightly astonished at the place. "I- uh, thanks" I said, probably looking kinda awkward while I scratched at the back of my neck, "well what are we waiting for? Let's go inside!" The blue blur said as he held his hand out to me, I looked down at it but then put my hand in his then began to head into the restaurant.

Once walking inside a flood of memories came back to me when I first went to this place, I remember a few months ago this restaurant was just opening up and me and rouge decided that we were going to go out and see if the food was any good, and it's fair to say that it was, especially their pasta.

Me and Sonic took a few more steps forward and was greeted by a friendly looking wolf who greeted us and took us to a free table where that we would be eating our meal at tonight. "I will be back around in a few minutes to give you some time to take a look at the menu" he stated as he handed us our menu's "that sounds great, thank you very much" Sonic told the waiter with a friendly smile on his face, "not a problem, if you need anything be sure to let me, or the other staff know" and with that he was off to help out the other table's, and me and Sonic picked out our menu and took a look at the options we would have.

"Hmm, I don't know what to pick, there are so many options to pick from!" Sonic complained, putting the menu to his face to hide his slight frustration. "How about I help you pick something?" I calmly stained looking at him "well what are you getting?" He asked looking back at me, seeming to be less annoyed now that his attention is on something else at the moment. "I'm getting the pasta and red wine"

"Sounds fancy" he said with a light giggle, "eh, not really, I mean I guess you could say that though" I said with a light blush on my face. "I like talking to you when you aren't all grumpy" the blue blur stated, not losing eye contact, "Thanks?" I spoke back with a slight bit of confusion written on my face, not exactly knowing what to say since no one ever really says that sort of thing to me. "What's with the face? That's a good thing you know" Sonic said holding back a slight bit of laughter, "I don't normally get told that sort of thing is all" I calmly spoke back, not so much worrying about keeping perfect eye contact with the blue speedster. "Well that's because you never really show this side of you to anyone, you just need to open yourself up a bit is all." I looked back at him talking in what he said while coming up with a response, "You aren't the only one who has seen a 'softer side' of me, Rouge also has. She has for a long time now, she just knows not to bring it up with others" I spoke to him, this tine not losing eye contact with him.

"I can't exactly say I'm surprised, you've worked with her for so long, and you guys literally live together" he spoke in a more relaxed manner.

We continued to talk for a few moments more until the waiter came back to see if we were ready for him to take our orders, "hello, have you two decided what you're going to be ordering tonight?" He spoke in a calm but professional manner, "yeah, I'm going to be getting the pasta and to drink I would like some red wine please" I stated looking at him, "and how about you?" He asked, turning his attention to Sonic. "Oh I'll just be getting the same as him, oh but replace the wine with a Pepsi please" Sonic told the waiter, "sounds good, your two pastas, one red wine and one Pepsi will be here shortly" and with that he walked off.

"Why Pepsi out of all things?" I asked, looking back at Sonic, "what do you mean? Pepsi is literally the best soda!" The blue blur said trying to hold back his giggle's. "No way! There are so many better options" I spoke back, also trying to hold back my laughter.
"Oh? Like what exactly?" He added, with a slight sass to it. "Uh, like most soda? If anything Pepsi is below average at best." "You say that but give no example at all, surprising" he spoke back, crossing his arms in the process, "well a great example would be Ginger ail, as it's the best" "I retorted.

"You aren't serious, Ginger ail is your favourite? Out of all soda it's Ginger ail?!" He spat back with a shocked tone to his voice, "yeah, and we both know I'm right so can it, will yeah?" I said, ready to end this conversation sooner than later.

"Fine, whatever." The blue blur spoke back, a snarky tone to his voice has he leaned back in his chair, looking more relaxed and settled into the environment. At that I found myself chuckling at the whole thing, after all it really was such a dumb thing to have a fight about. "What's so funny, Shads?" Sonic had asked, looking at me with confusion written all over his face, and with that I simply said "us".

After they had gotten, and finished their meals

"Man that was good!" The blue blur had announced, slouched in his chair and rubbing at his stomach. "I have to say, I agree." I spoke back to him, with a smirk on my face.

And with that the waiter walked over to our table. "Hello again, are you guys all done for tonight?" He asked, with a kind smile on his face, though he still clearly looked a bit more tired compared to how he looked at the start of the night, though I couldn't say I blamed him. I looked over at Sonic for a moment and he gave me a slight nod, answering my question. "Yes, we are. Thank you." I said, smiling back slightly as the waiter tells us our total and puts the check on the table. Me and Sonic discussed who was paying for a few minutes before finally agreeing to just split the check, giving our goodbyes before exiting the restaurant for the night.

Once stepping outside I felt the wind hit my quills, it was definitely colder than before, and with that me and the blue hedgehog walked over to my motorcycle. "Hey Shads?" Sonic asked after we got on the bike "yeah?" "Would you want to stay at my place for the night?" He asked and to be honest, it caught me slightly off guard, though I hid that from him. "Sure, I don't have a problem with it" I spoke, hiding the slight confusion in my voice "sounds good!" He announced, and at that, we were off, riding in the night, a full moon among us.


Not gonna lie I haven't worked on this chapter in so long, been kinda just working on it and stoping and just repeating that, though I'm glad I finished it finally.
Honestly as much as I'd like to say otherwise I think this is going to have to be the end, and I have to say it definitely could've been a worse ending so I'm not all that upset about it.
This fic has been in the works for so long it's crazy and as much as I think it'd be great to give it a proper ending Ive completely fallen out of the sonic fandom and have like no motivation to write this, I just find it boring to continue, so I do hope you understand.
It's been a great journey writing this and I'm so glad I decided to write and post this.
I appreciate all the love and support I've gotten on this as it really did help to motivate me to continue this story.
I do hope you have an amazing rest of this year and the years to come and I love you all and I am forever grateful for this experience.
I hope to see you all again soon. - Mouse

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