Chapter 1

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I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm, the typical beeping noise we all mostly hear when we start school, I never liked the darn thing that's why it's my alarm so I can wanna get up and turn it off. First day here in Fresnor High School, I'm really exited to see Calvin again, he's the only person I know here, ugh can't believe mom and Lucas divorced, her 3rd husband geez now we are down the road again in our typical house here in Georgia.
Looking up to the walls and think is something I usually do after turning my alarm off, trying hard not to fall back asleep I stretch my feet to the edge of the bed. As soon as they touch the floor the my toes wiggle thru the dark grey carpet, "time to get up Kaylie" sings my mom as she opens the door, and stands there, I stare at her beauty she's so beautiful with that messy bun having several leftover strands of curls out like a brunette Greek god, wearing a white cardigan, white low white pointed heels, Levi's she looks good. "I made you breakfast as soon as you get up you may go right down to eat" with that she closes the door "-o and good luck in school today baby" blowing me and air-kiss and doing a little dance she leaves.
I finally stand, walk towards the mirror and just look at the reflection. A curvy-thin girl with puffed up hair just stares back, with her pale face and lips shimmering, while her dark brown hair and eyes catch my attention. "Ew " I say and walk towards the bathroom carefully looking at the ground so I don't trip over any dirty laundry or cardboard boxes.
After doing my face cleanser and brushing my teeth I walk towards the boxes, we arrived Saturday and slept Sunday stayed up for a little while then slept again. Out of the box that is labeled PREETY SHIRTS KAYLIE I scavenge for a nice outfit that is decent for a 16-year old junior. Pink sweater no, white crop top no, I look and look till finally I find a brown tight long sleeve shirt.
I check my outfit in the mirror to see if I match; brown tight long sleeve shirt with some light blue skinny jeans with some rips (not over the top showing skin everywhere thing, no gross), and brown booties, two different length necklaces, my hair straight down calmly, with my makeup color Nude and only eyeliner on top lids. I spray some Woman Ralph Lauren perfume to add to my finishing touch grab my black backpack and walk out.
My mom works as a business women at Zenfatti V Co. so she left early. I'm waiting in the front porch for Calvin pick me up, he promised a ride the first day. My phone beeps:

Have a great day sweety, and I hoped you liked the omelet with fruits and stuff I made you, and Calvin is on his waaayyy!! Love you 😍💋💐💕

She is sweet "hey Kaylie!" scream's out a familiar voice, I look up and see Calvin inside a grey well-cleaned 4x4 sexy country boy pick up truck. "Are u gonna get in or not?" He asks me with a teasing voice knowing that I'm mesmerized by his big truck. "Sure."
Calvin and I have been friends sense like forever, our parents are really good friends his mom and my mom went to school together and you know friends forever deal. We lost communication due to the fact of my mother re-marrying all the time. Now we are back together. "So how do you feel about moving back here you know in Georgia" Calvin quickly snaps me out of my thoughts "look I honestly like it and everything it's my hometown how can I not miss it, ....but then at the same time I don't care I don't want to get all happy about it knowing that as soon as my mom finds another boyfriend we will be departing again." I look to my left to see his expression, he looks kinda sad like if what I said had effected him "but I love coming back to see you and if I where to leave I would always miss my best buddy" he smiles not taking his eyes of the road, "of course you will I'm the best friend you got and always will have" this time he turns and we make a deep eye contact I smile and taking out my tongue at him playfully and turn.
As soon as we pull-up to the school I notice there's lots of blondes my mood drastically changes "what's wrong?" "Nothing it's just that I feel like a minority" we step out the truck and Calvin jogs towards my side "of course your a minority there's no other girl out-here like you" I blush "you mean a Tom-girl that can sit all day and be out in a ranch rather than being shopping and wasting all my mummy's money and if I could have lots of money I'll spend it mostly on books and charity not on myself " he laughs at the thought "yea that's one reason."
We walk in the school and all I see are eyes trying to eat me out, I never loved attention it makes me want to puke, "come-on lets go get your schedule", we walk past many groups that could be stereotyped quickly such as the goths, preps, smarties, chess nerds, and the jocks, the type that Calvin looks to be in everywhere we turn all I here is hey whatup Calvin or heeey look it's my man Calvin are u pumped for the next game. As in me I seem like a bookworm and a geek mixed together. "Hi I'm Kaylie Newker I'm new and I'm here to get my schedule" I speak to the margi looking red headed woman working at the office desk. "Umm yes I have to got it right here mam, have a nice day" she hands me a white piece of paper labeled with the name of my teachers and classes my mom and Calvin's mom have decided for me to take.

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