Chapter 2

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I look down at my printed schedule, I can feel Calvin taking a peek of it over my shoulder, "so first class is physics with Mr.Trevor, huh." He guides me to the front of the office doors and opens it up, "shall we?".

As we step out I take a notice of my surroundings, white walls with stripes of the school colors, I'm guessing are red and black. The tile floor looks as if it had just been waxed, and fake plants decorated the schools entrance. Calvin guided me down the hall and took a sharp right, where there was the main stairs to get to the second floor for your classes, the school was covered with banners of different universities and team spirit posters supporting each class and extracurricular activities this school had to offer.

I was walked to my physics class by Calvin, through the halls I just felt stares and voices of the thirsty girls with the sexy "hey Calvin." It wasn't till we stopped outside my class that I realized what all the fuss was about, I was to busy worrying that I haven't noticed how much Calvin has changed throughout the years. I looked in front of me and there he was, a sexy country boy, his blonde hair all ruffled up by the way he runs his fingers through it, his green eyes that stand out and a jawline that fits him perfectly. The shirt he was wearing just made him so tempting which was a light green v-neck that made his muscles visible and the color matched his eyes perfectly going along with blue jeans that wrapped around his waist & converse. I can't believe that I have been driven to school by this perfect human being.

"Here it is Mr. Trevor's class, he's a nice teacher and don't worry about these teachers introducing you to the class, they won't do that, hopefully." He smiled, his teeth where perfectly white and straight. "I know that would really suck for me, um do we have any classes together?" I handed him my schedule. "Algebra only, good because I need help with math." Knowing that I had another class with him made me feel good. "Well it's almost gonna be time I got to head to world history, hope you have a great morning, see you at lunch." I looked at him confused, then he came closer to me "don't worry meet me at the bottom of the stairs, I'll be there." The fright slid off my shoulders, "ok" is all I could respond, he ruffled my hair and kissed the top of my head. "See you Kay" he walked down the hall and made a turn to the left.

I looked at the clock on the classroom wall 5 more min and the first class will be done with. My eyes scanned the room it was covered with lab safety posters, formulas, a vocabulary wall and some cabinets that contained glass containers inside with some safety goggles. BING! The bell rang and I looked down at my schedule computer class with Mrs. Lacey room 215, that means the room was down this hall.

When I walked in there was rows of computers, people walked in and sat on the chair placed in front of a computer, I walked towered the third row and see a girl having too much fun playing a computer game like world of Warcraft or something, she wore an over sized orange zip up hoodie. "Hey" she jolted at the touch I gave her on the back, she turned wow, let's just say it was a dude with long hair, my bad. "Yea what up" in the inside I felt terrible for thinking he was a girl but he didn't know that or maybe he did by my shocked face expression. "Do you have sitting arrangements?" I pointed at the computer next to him. "Um yea, if you want to know which are empty to avoid fuss it's that one, that one, that one and that one" he pointed at computers all over the class. I stood there thinking in what computer to sit in.

" O and that one" he pointed at the computer next to him. My eyes widen with shock why didn't he tell me this before what an asshole. I pulled my chair out kinda loud so he could notice I was mad, "hey chill girl, I just thought it was funny." I stayed quite.

A few minutes passed and Mrs. Lacey had given us a two page typing copy we had to type, "Ray" said the guy next to me, I looked over to him "what was that?", he didn't take his look of the screen, he had already finished typing and was playing that game again, "the name is Ray, Ray Perssinger." I looked at my screen and wrote one more paragraph till I finally answered, "my name is Kaylie, it's nice to know of your existence Ray." he rolled his eyes, "yea of yours too."

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