Chapter 6

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"Ugh please common" I open my eyes again still 4:35 a.m.

I can't wait, I close my eyes for one last time. "What's the use I'm not gonna get any sleep", I roll over on my back and look at the ceiling, then my stomach rumbles. How can I be hungry after a huge stacked up burger I just ate a few hours ago? My body leads it's self to the edge of the bed and quickly in a blink of an eye my legs step foot on the carpet.

I slowly creep down the stairs towards the kitchen to get a small bowl of cereal. I open the cabinet and stare at all the choices I could make, Capitan Crunch or Fruit Loops? Captain Crunch it is, I pull the box out and grab the milk cartoon from the cold fridge.

After making my bowl of cereal I stand and eat it on the kitchen counter. Do I really want to go to school tomorrow? The silence of the kitchen is disturbed by the crunches my cereal makes as I bite, it's like firecrackers exploding in my mouth.

"Call up an ex to rescue me..." I sing while placing the bowl in the sink with the spoon and the cereal box up where it belonged. Before going back upstairs I take a look through the living room window and take a quick view of the dead street, only the street lights and house lights stand out from the dark.
My anxiety kept me up all night, so again the alarm didn't wake me, well after coming back from having a midnight snack I probably slept about ten minutes, but not more. Not tired at all I headed to the bathroom to wash the weird milk taste from my mouth.

"I just don't think that it's yes Clair I see that" my mom argues with someone thru the phone down in the kitchen, I hear her as I walk down the stairs. There she wore a thin up to knee pencil skirt, a red polka dot blouse and her black 4 inch heels, brunette hair in a messy bun like usual with small curls out. As soon as she sees me she gives me a cherry red lipstick smile. Walking towards the front door ready to walk out, mom blows me an air kiss and whispers "good day."

"Yea turns out he did know what lesbians where, he gave me the definition, "lesbians are two women or girls that like each other instead of liking men." I giggled at the way Calvin mimics his brothers response. "Where does he get this stuff?" My eyes take up the view of the prairies we where passing by, the grass perfectly cut and hay rolled up ready to be sold. "I actually don't know, it scares me he probably knows more than I do", Calvin's view was fixed in something else, me.

I turned to him, he looked away and smiled keeping his eyes now on the road. "Probably does" I whispered to myself. There he was focused on the road but at the same time smiling like if he was thinking of something.

The school was far from our neighborhood and the small town we lived in, Fresnor High School was in the middle of no where. The ride from home to the school was about some nice 45 minutes, just like our classes. Class starts at 7:30, so Calvin arrives at my house to pick me up at 6:44, same time every day. I wake up at about 5:40 to get ready, but so far I've been laying down till 5:40 due to like I said, my anxiety to come to school.

"Mrs. Garcia, tengo permiso para ir pal baño?" I raised my hand up so she could see me, in Spanish class we had to do and say everything in spanish. She looks at me and nods, "porsupuesto". Which means of course, I make my way out the door and into the hall. My classes before lunch where all upstairs, as soon as I reach the end of the left hall I make a sharp turn to the right.

Before entering the bathroom I see a familiar figure walking out the office door. I step closer to the stair rail and see Mr. Clark wearing a white flannel shirt tucked in khaki jeans and some black converse. He held a coffee mug in his right hand, his hair the same as usual and his beard still perfect. "Good morning Mr. Clark" the counselor Ms. Sonia greeted him, he takes a sip of his coffee and nods "morning" he then walks away towards the hall that leads him to his classroom.

My heart felt like if it had stopped.

As I head back to my classroom I notice something I didn't see on my way to the bathroom, they where flyers mentioning something about a school dance. The purple paper had information such as the time,place, date and communication numbers for any questions. The dance is in two weeks, but why do I care I got two left feet.

The bell rings and mostly in every class, the students attack their front class room doors, and rush themselves out. I try to dodge many of the people that seemed to be in hurry, the school halls always just seemed like a bull stampede.

Our awkward lunch table silence, is disturbed by Dani slamming her chili cheese fries plate on the table, it caused us all to look up. "What's wrong you downers aren't you guys excited?" She looks at each one of us face to face. Calvin speaks up with his mouth stuffed with a forkful of fires, "and why should we be excited?" TJ wipes his mouth and joins in "yea why?"

"School dance" Ray whispers to himself, but loud enough for us to hear. "School what?" TJ gives him a confused face. "School dance! How can you guys not even know about this?" Dani shouts out, only the few tables near us looked our way. "I knew this but it doesn't really matter to me, the same day of the dance is the same day of the big game." Calvin gets up to throw his plate, "yea, and how did you know this Ray" TJ begins to interrogate Ray. "Dani didn't shut her trap about it first class," we all view directly to Dani.

"Then we can get our dresses" now I know how Ray felt about all this dance talk. Dani has been going on about how we will prepare for this school dance, but the question is will I be going? Literature class was almost empty, next to me Dani was giver her shimmering pink nails a mini pedicure. "Dani, are you sure about this?" I place my notebook in my bag. "Totally , I'm not planning something that is not gonna happen, trust me sweetie," she blows on her nails and paints another coat."

"And you Kaylie, are part of my plan." She gives me one last reassuring smile.

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