Chapter 8

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Memories of yesterday's conversation with Mr. Clark are swimming around in my mind. I'm kinda hurt and angered for what he had said. Maybe all his relationships where happiness but not mine.

As soon as I get done with my fishtail braid, I walk outside to wait for Calvin. Calvin's house was only some blocks away I can see his truck at his driveway. I sit in my front porch's white seating chair, swinging back and forth just looking at the morning sunrise. There was a cold morning breeze luckily I had decided to wear my mom's old maroon sweatshirt from her college years. It still had the logo kinda worn out but still readable Texas Aggies.

"So pretty lady you gonna get on?" Calvin once again snaps me out of my blank thoughts, who knows how long he's been there. I quickly jog down the four front stairs and make my way to hop on his truck.

"So why did you stay after school yesterday?" My eyes focus on the outside landscape, "I had to stay for theater." "Oh, with the famous Mr. Clark?" He starts poking my ribs joking around with his right arm while the left is still on the wheel. "Yea, yea with him" I roll my eyes at him. "Don't tell me you like him too," he looks at me with his face in disgust.

"Ew, no what are u thinking he's my teacher there's no way I can see him as anything else" I quickly stand at my defense. "Good because, I don't want you falling for someone that you have no possibilities with, I mean every girl out hear denies us school boys because their soaking their panties with a grown ass man."

Right now I don't care about Mr. Clark he is now considered my least favorite teacher. Anyways Calvin is right about the whole falling in love with someone you have no possibilities with, and maybe the soaking panties part. But still it's not like I ever had any hopes with him, he is my teacher and I just liked his physical and as soon as I got to see what he was like personally he tipped me off.

Right when we pulled up to the school feelings of regret took over. I should of stayed home faked an illness or something that way I could of gotten to lay down and watch Netflix all day, or maybe even weeks. Before getting of I checked if my Nike shoes where tied, I was to much in a hurry to finish my cereal that I didn't bother to tie my shoes, and yes this time I did sleep so I woke up late.

"Where did you learn all this hacking?" I have been looking at Ray piss online people off, by doing some weird computer gamer stuff. "My cousin joe." Suddenly his computer shuts down, "NO!" He yelled and caused everyone in the classroom to look our way, he rubbed both his palms in his face. "Sorry guys, go ahead turn around keep typing."

The fact that I had to face Mr. Clark at any time soon after the talk or what seemed as an argument on a stupid book made me feel sick, my stomach swirled its insides round and round. When we got to the lunch line I went straight to the table I wasn't in the mood for eating. Why should I make a big deal out of nothing anyway?

The guys placed their plates on the table, and took a seat around me. "So did you guys hear about the fight?" TJ comments before taking a a bite from a watermelon piece from his fruit cup. "What fight, is it a bunch of chicks again?" Ray asks him, I look to see what he is doing but nothing just drawing on his note pad, he's a good artist also.

"Yea, Krissy and Jenicia, they said they where gonna do it after lunch but who knows." Calvin removes his Abercrombie grey hoodie, showing of his toned arms and stuff in a grey tee. "Yep, changing the subject I haven't seen Dani how about you guys?" TJ now takes a bite of a melon, Ray begins drawing eyes on his character, "she wasn't here first class so I'm guessing she didn't come."

Great I'm alone now for theater, and literature. I reach for my bag and now take out an apple I have brought from home. "Why aren't you eating?" Calvin sees me as I take a loud bite of my apple, "just not hungry." "Ok" he shrugs it off.

"Beat her to the fucking floor!" Screams a tall dirty blond. Just like TJ and Calvin said there was a fight after lunch. I didn't really care a fight is a fight, call me weird but I'll rather have someone stop the fight rather than recording it and placing on social media. But, if I was in a fight I wouldn't like someone to stop me from beating the crap of a girl.

Jenicia the blond girl that is on Krissy grabbing her hair and smashing her head to the ground I'm guessing, looks like if she came out from Legally Blond or something, while Krissy looks like some crack addict Linsey Lohan. This fight is bull there just pulling hair, I wonder how much wigs we can make for cancer patients after this. Hopefully one of them did not try to be Ghetto and decide to wear a weave because I'm sure it's gonna be ripped out in a few seconds, just like Krissy's eyebrow piercing.

I didn't want to watch, but didn't have no choice the hall was blocked students where running from every hallway the circle just got huger and huger. I tried squeezing my way out from some people but couldn't. "GIRLS STOP IT NOW!" Great counselor Sonia to the rescue, what can she do she's skinny as a twig those girls look like body builders compared to her. I finally made it against a wall but still no escape I started feeling pressured back towards it.

"Need help out?" I look at the hand that is grasped at my shoulder, then follow it up to the persons face, great Mr. Clark. But at this situation I had no choice it's either get squashed and loose my air or find a way out with this hottie. I look up at him and nod he smiles. Smile? He mostly never smiles, it's actually kinda creepy the only time he smiled at me was probably the first day of school, but smiling now when a fight is going on what's wrong with him.

He led me out until we where in front of the elevator the space that was empty and quite. "Aren't you supposed to be stopping the fight?" Ok at this point I should of walked away knowing I wanted nothing to do with him, but I wanted to know. "I'm here to teach not take care of some kids, that's the securities job not mine." His normal serious face takes over again, what happened to that smile? See this man is bipolar.

"Good point." I look around and see that finally securities trying to find a way in the circle. "Well thanks for getting me out of there, I'm going to class now." After taking three steps away he grabs me, he grabs me in a way a teacher should never handle a student. He grabs my arm and with a strong force pulls me back into the space I was before, pressed against the wall by him.

"Kaylie, sorry for being so intense with you yesterday, I feel like if, I scared you away instead of teaching you about how the play will go." Suddenly guilt fills me up from the inside no no it's not your fault, "no no Mr. Clark, it's my fault for saying it was stupid."

There was silence, he doesn't speak up probably because what I said was true. He leans into me, his smell of strong cologne mixed with his masculine sent attacks my senses. I take this opportunity to check him out, he seems casual today instead of anything office like he wears dark blue jeans, a navy blue long sleeve shirt that tightens around his toned muscled body and work shoes that are brown usually shinning, his copper hair always seems as if he got wind blown before walking in. You can easily confuse him for a student, don't teachers have a dress code? Apparently not Mr. Gerzo, the biology teacher next door to my business class, always comes in to work in his fashionable pink skinny jeans and tailored suit top so designer.

"Call me Robert, thats my name, I prefer for you to call me Robert than Mr. Clark when we speak." His voice intimidates me. After releasing my bottom lip from my hard down bite, he rubs his thumb over it. When I look up to his eyes I see they are fixed on my lips. My breathing changes into a rapid speed. Suddenly the elevator doors open, and he steps back away from me. It's Calvin and TJ.

"Hey Kaylie" TJ doesn't notice Mr. Clark. But Calvin does, he looks at me and lifts up an eyebrow. They step out the elevator continuing their conversation. "Hey Calvin, wait up." I walk towards Calvin and away I walk, away from Robert, this cannot be happening.

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