Chapter 14

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My morning breakfast was pretty dull. Granola bar. See dull. I sat in my desk just staring at my converse, white high top converse that went well with my black jeans and blue green sweater. I love sweaters just to let you know.

It seemed as if the more you wanted a day to come by faster the slower the other days got. I'm waiting for Saturday to come and the week is taking its time to make me wait, it's barely Wednesday . Oh the hell.

I don't want to go to none of my classes, I want to skip, the only place could be Mr. Clark but should I? I'm trying to avoid him and I'm planning to stay a whole day in his class, I mean they don't do much just read and he's stressed up. Ugh I don't know. He doesn't have a first period I'll go later.

The walk towards the theater classroom was scary the bell had rang and that's when it hit me, what am I gonna say if he refuses me. I just kept walking, till I reached the door. Should I knock or walk in? I heard giggling and screams from the auditorium so I guys the kids where there and I should just walk in. I opened the door and stepped inside the classroom, only typing took over the silence.

"Kaylie?" Mr. Clark voice was husky as usual, shit what to do. "Hi, Mr. Clark I need to talk to you." I walk towards his desk shyly and quickly check him out in his normal white tee he's wearing with a leather black jacket, hey I rocked that before. He took a sip of his coffee mug, "talk" he looks at the desk I was sitting in yesterday as if telling me to sit so I do.

"Um I don't want to take part of this play." I quickly say it, he looks at me for a moment then says,"so no understudy?" I shake my head, "ok, why?" I remove my bag and place it on the ground. "Planning to stay here long?" He leans back relaxing in his chair and grabs his coffee mug. "If you're not busy and if I can" this time I look at him deep in the eyes and he doesn't look away, "nope not busy finished all the work at home, and you can stay here as long as this conversation takes." Then I must keep it long, hearing him say home made me realize that he just isn't a teacher that is freaking hot but he is a nice guy who also has a home even a mom and a dad, I don't know just got me thinking.

"What was the work you where doing?" I ask this stupid question not knowing how to keep the conversation on, "I asked a question first, why don't you want to understudy?" I look at my shoes, "it's just that I feel that people have been doing this longer and they know more than I do so I'll just wait -" "that's why I said you can stay after school for that-" "yes but I don't have time." He nods "ok." Silence took over for a while until, "ok your not going to class now?" He raised an eyebrow at me again, resting his hands on his lap. "I don't want to go to class." I whispered.

"Then stay, but why here?" I look up at him and smile, "I asked a question first and you never answered", he smiled at me back, "yes, paperwork a bunch of stuff the office wanted me to do for them sense I'm a theater teacher my class doesn't mean as much as math reading, well that's what they say." I tilted my head in aww, "I like your class Robert" he chuckled when he heard me say his name, he ran a hand thru his copper hair, "yea? And why is that?" I could tell that the flirting was about to begin and it was gonna be for a long time. "Let's see," I bit my lip, "we don't do much, I have the same class as my friend and yea we don't do much." I giggled after what I had said. He stared at me, "o really, we don't do much, well now that I'm done with this, I'll give you something to do."

"And what will you give me?" Our eyes locked for a few minutes then he looked at his desk, and let out a blow of air, "I don't know some handouts, read the book," then he slowed down, "I honestly don't know I need to get this class going." I just nodded, "Mr.Clark may I go to the bathroom?" Some tall girl walked in and looked at us like tf you doing talking to a teacher,"yes", Clark was still staring at me and I'm guessing that made it look weirder. She dashed thru the front door, Clark got up and stood in front of me and leaned on his desk.

"Do you have any brothers?" I asked still wondering about the whole family thing, "yes one younger brother and little sister, he's 22 and she's 20" he seemed calm talking about his family, "ahh and you are?" "Guess", geez he looks 21 but his younger brother is 22, "23?" He shook his head with a smile I smiled back and bit my lip again, "25?" Nope he shook his head, please tell me he's not in his thirties. "I give up" I placed both my hand on my knees, "I'm 26" "ahh! I was close, you look way younger tho." "I do? Thanks well I try." He runs his hand on his cheek. I laugh, well we both laugh he's funny actually, I never though he would be funny he seems so quiet to himself, maybe it's like what TJ said.

While we kept joking around the tall girl finally entered back and the bell rang. She kept looking at us on her way out, maybe she was as shocked as I was about Clark laughing. "You gonna stay?" Clark asked me still leaning on his desk, "well if you entertain me", he walks back to his chair, "well your in luck I'm a theater teacher." He looks at the next bach of students and checks row.

During lunch I was so eager to go back with Robert he is such a joker but then so serious at sometimes I wonder which one is the real Rob? Maybe he's trying to be a teacher but letting himself slip around me. Dani didn't come to school she was getting her nails done for Saturday. "You got your dress?" Calvin sat next to me placing one hand round my waist, um yea we are going to the dance but not dating sweetheart. I nod my mouth full of the turkey sandwich, "what color?" After swallowing I replied, "silver," he smiled then said "your gonna look gorgeous." I just blush like an idiot.

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