Chapter 3

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First week of school has been dull, it also went by quick, it's already Friday. Everybody is so pumped for the weekend. I have also felt more comfortable around the lunch group.

Like Dani said it was a start to a new friendship, but I'm trying not to get to attached to anyone, I mean I'm waiting for my mom to meet another guy, hopefully not soon. I've gotten so much hatred from the cheerleading squad, they are all drooling over Calvin, and seeing me getting dropped off and taken home by him sets them into rage mode. Ray and I have been getting better at communicating with each other. But the real thing that I'm thinking about is what is the fuss about this Mr.Clark.

Mostly in all my classes girls whisper that they want him back and they are frightened something must have happened to him, but in my view of things Dani is the most worried. In class she has just been talking about it and asking me if I know anything, why me I don't know the guy. "Omg I so want to see your face when u meet him but he hasn't been here", is all she tells me.

"Pass me the short cardboard that is 7inches" TJ has been mostly doing all the work in this art project, building a chair out of cardboard is harder than I though. "Just say the short one" I joke. I have learned that TJ is not only attractive but is part of the basketball team, a math wizard, awesome artist, he also enjoys skateboarding and gaming with Ray. "Ok I'll make sure I will" he gave a smirk.

It was almost time to go, TJ has constructed a weird pattern of cardboard pieces that are willing to hold our chair and the weight of a person. As I go to one of the art class sinks to wash the dried hot glue from my hands, thank to the hot glue gun, I feel water droplets and some splashes on my white romper and converse I decided to wear today. "I'm so so sorry, what a mess, Kaylie I didn't mean to." Jessie the ginger cheerleading co-captain, wiped her hand with towels and laughed "honestly I didn't mean to." I rolled my eyes and ignored her bitch tone.

"Now that we have talked what is your relation with Calvin Hinkle?" She gets closer to me and I ignore again. "Are u deaf?" This time she talked a little louder. "No I'm not deaf redhead, and what's it to you" I dried my hands and walked to my table to gather my stuff. "Are u ok" TJ notices the wet marks on my clothes, I nod "yea not a big deal, I've been thru worse". I help TJ place the bottom of our chair in the closet with the rest, "hey she's a bitch don't worry about her" TJ placed an arm around my shoulder. "I'm not planning to."

"She what!" Dani's reaction wasn't really what I thought it would be, "why does she care, you should of punched the freckles out of her face" I shook my head. "Gosh I hate her, ever since we where small I have this emotion of hate towards her, I never found out why, I want to hurt her but have no reason."

"It just drives me insane all this love for Calvin, all girls see him as a savior" I lay back on the stage and roll on my stomach. "No Mr.Clark is our savior" Dani just giggles at what she has just said. "What's up with Mr. Clark the way you talk about him makes me want to meet him, I want to see who this mysterious man is, the man that has most girls from Fresnor drooling."

"I talked to the sub, she said he will be here Monday surely, I'm so excited it's like the Justin Biber concert all over again."
"Wow that excited you are?" She looks at me and bites her lip and nods. I laugh and look away. Who is Mr. Clark? the thought is driving me insane. I want to meet this Jesus and see him for myself and take in all his features. He probably isn't that hot, but enough to have 95% of the school girls fantasize about him wow. This is crazy.

"They really need to mind their own business." Calvin was taking me for some ice cream before he dropped me off, he had asked me how my day was and I explained the drama in the art room. "I'm sorry for what happened, since middle school she has this obsession for me, would you believe that she went to my house to talk to my mom to tell her that I was meant for her", I laughed at the thought, Calvin turned his gaze towards mine, he had his million dollar smile "it's true."

"Thank you for bringing me here I've had a bad day" we sat inside a little ice cream parlor the wall decorated a light baby blue, with pink stripes we sat at a far little booth in the left corner. The tables were decorated with flower vases. "Tell me about it" before going on he takes a spoonful of his cookies nd' cream ice cream sundae. "I'm failing physics how I don't know and if I keep it that way I might not get to play at the playoffs" I gave him an ugly look, "that sucks dragon balls" he looks at me and smiles "it does."

"Are you busy this weekend?" Calvin disturbs the silence in his truck, "I think yea, I need to settle down, everything is still in boxes, I haven't had any time to organize."
We took a turn in our street, finally he parked in front my house, I look at the clock it's 6:34 p.m. "Maybe this next weekend you, me the crew can probably hang out you know?" I opened the door, "yea sure I would like that, some getting out" I step out and close it, my mom must be home now, "ok so clean up so you can be free!" I hear Calvin behind me, I turn and see the window rolled down and there was his beautiful face, "sure will, bye thank you" I wave bye and so does he and I enter the house.

Mom was busy with paper work her boss made her organize shitloads of files. I decided to make ourselves some dinner.

I placed the chicken and rice plate for mom in the microwave and headed to my room upstairs, before that I went to moms office. "Mommy the food is ready eat before it gets cold" I waited for a reply, "ok thank you baby I love you we will talk about school tomorrow sweet dreams." With that i headed to shower.

Out of my foggy bathroom I just wore a wine silk robe, i left my balcony windows open just for a little while, I sat back in my bed and took out a book, Hamlet by Shakespeare.
I couldn't read it by the second chapter I was distracted. I walked up and sat on my desk opened up my laptop and googled in it I went to staff.

No sign of Mr.Clark, I went to a page in the schools website that said ARTS, in it I just found a women named Mrs. Lizabel Flores in the theater section. I looked at the time it was 11:34 a.m. Dani must be awake I gave her a call, she answered by the second ring.

"Hello" she responded cheerfully
"Hey Dani it's me, um I'm on the schools website and no sign of Mr.Clark"
I just heard chuckles in the other end "he's not there, he's new, he just arrived this semester I'm guessing the old teacher is still on there the hag Mrs.Flores"
"Yea she is, the thought is killing me"
"Just wait till Monday it will be the best day"
I let out a sigh "fine, I'll get some sleep"
"Okies, don't let Clark bite" with that she hung up.

I closed the balcony windows and layed on my bed, who is this Mr. Clark? I can't wait till Monday. I never ever wanted a Monday to come thru till now.

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