Chapter 16

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After seeing my mom's eyes messy tear-messed makeup, I knew something was wrong. I thought about ease-dropping in her office to see if I heard anything, but nothing just scattering of papers.


After showering, I laid in my bed proud that I have at least gotten to one base with Kaylie, I kissed her and at first I was scared that I had bothered her but then she kissed me back. Her lips where just as I thought they where, soft and delicate. But when she came back at me they turned ruff and wanting.

Clark, Mr. Clark. What is between you and Kaylie? I know how a teacher and student act, and it wouldn't had bothered me but since I saw them in the small space and his hands on her lips, yea that's suspicious. If he doesn't care that I saw then he wouldn't mind if I went to go ask him. I have the balls to go ask he should have the balls to explain the truth, something that Kaylie doesn't say, and I know she just kissed me to shut me up. But I'll let her, I don't mind.

Ok so the plan is one more thing that goes between them, then I'll step up.


"Aww you look like a mini me", my mom told me as she grabbed her car keys. Today was the day TJ and I presented the chair we had built and will show it to these weird people that would want to buy it. The art teacher told the class that we had to look nice and business like to I borrowed some of my moms clothes. Yea we are the same size just that she's a little taller.

I took a nice black pencil skirt, a white essential button front woven top, a fishtail jacket black, wide collar with one button closure and to finish it off some black flats. My hair my mom did, she made me a messy bun that looks like her's mostly every morning, nice and cute, with some curls dangling out. "People like to see your face", she said. "But that's when you addition for modeling" she shook her head, "yea, right".

"Good morning Mrs. Newker", Calvin waved from his truck, I made my way over and hoped on the truck. "O, shit thought you where your mom, why you dressed like this?" He waits for me to put on my seatbelt, then drives off.
"The chair presentations" I lay back worried if I over dressed. "Ooh TJ is gonna be dressed like this too, I got to see him."

TJ and I waited in the gym with our chair, we had finally built it well, TJ finally built it and I painted it. The color was black and Ray helped us with the designs, sometimes he would come over during class and draw on it, or stay after school with TJ to do the designs on it there both great.

TJ looked so cute, he had khakis a belt a white flannel tucked in and a black tie, his shoes yea still nikes. His butt looked nice and bubbly. Just saying.

We where supposed to stay here almost all day there was hundreds of things being presented, and divided into sections. We where in the fourth, after the recycling project presentations. First came in the science fair, in with TJ presented in too, since that went first I just watched and saw how he talked and explained the chemicals, but I mostly payed attention on his lab safety coat he was wearing and some safety goggles. His partner was Laurie, they made such a cute team.

While we waited for our turn we watched Ray in the robotics section, he had built this rover/robot something like a transformer. Him and his crew made such a good job.

TJ, Ray and I got to lunch about halftime then we had to return back to show the chairs and get the results about everything, more hours in the gym. As we walked down the hall where the gym and the other separate classes where I spotted, Clark. He was there in a business suit. He was walking to his room with Subway of course. As soon as he spotted me, I smiled and stopped with him, the guys turned to wait and I motioned them that it was ok they could keep going.

"Um, Mr. Clark I'm not gonna be here for your class I'm gonna be at the gym, did you think of any assignments to give?" He unlocked the door and walked in I followed. "No haven't thought about anything and well today we are just gonna start working on the play." He placed his food on the desk took an apple from the basket and wrote a note on a little paper. "So what will I be doing?"

"You can just sit there or be in charge of the lighting with Tim." His cologne once again was everywhere, he looked so nice and smelled so good so masculine. "Here you go Kaylie, good luck with the chair." He gave me the apple, the note, and a warm sexy smile. "Thank you."

When I arrived to the lunch room I didn't bother to get my plate the smell of Mr. Clark had taken away the hunger I had, and plus I had an apple.

When I go to the table they all stopped their conversation, I sat there in the awkwardness, Calvin looked bothered by something but I couldn't figure out what, Dani greeted me and showed me her nails and the table continued talking, except for Calvin, he just looked around and stood up and left.

When Dani got up to throw her plate I looked real quick at the note and bit the apple.

This is for the seductive way you ate my apple yesterday hope this one is as juiciest as the last, and don't think twice about stoping here, you can come anytime, and if you want take an apple. - Robert Clark

Ps: wish I could see you bite that apple

Just like the note had said the apple was as juiciest as the last. "Did Clark give you that apple?" Ray asked, I nodded innocently, and Dani turned my way her mouth in an O. Ray turned to TJ and nodded and TJ shrugged.

"You need to come over to my house ok, can you sleep over Friday? We need to mega talk" Dani asked as we walked out towards the lunchroom, why not? I think the best thing to do is have a best friend me Dani could be all that. I'm gonna tell her everything. I smile, "yes" we hug and go our separate ways.

As me and the guys walk back to the gym I see Calvin slam the theater door closed and walk away all mad, neither of us talk to him but I get a hint of what is going on, before entering the gym, I texted my mom that I would be needing a ride home. She didn't respond me till they where calling out the awards. Yes I will be there. Is what she said.

TJ won first with his science project, Ray second in his robotics, they got beat by one that swam, and our chair got second we got beat by one with wheels. But it's ok we got it sold for $650, we split it in three, I honestly wanted TJ to get my share because he did most the work but he didn't let me.

"Are you guys ok?" My mom kept buggin about me and Calvin I told her to pick me up a little before school ended. Calvin was mad at me, they probably told him that I had stopped with Clark. I talked to my mom about staying Friday at Dani she said it was ok as long as I stopped buy to show her how I looked.

Calvin drove past my house fast, I wouldn't had noticed it but his truck is kinda noisy when you foot the gas pedal. I peeked thru the window over to his side of the street, but all I saw was him slamming the door of his truck and walking mad inside his house, not even saying hi to his mom who was planting some nice flowers.

He was mad about something, what? I don't know. He walked mad out Mr. Clark's classroom, that means they must of talked about something that bothered him. But what? Ugh it has to be about us.

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