Chapter 15

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As soon as the bell rang I wondered if I should go back or not, if I go back to the other halls my teacher's will see me and be like o no she is here today she was skipping, so I'll rather not risk it, I made my way back to classroom I have been almost all day.

I got to the door and this time knocked, Mr.Clark came over and opened it he same and smiled, "Kaylie, staying here again?" I walk in his classroom and sit where I was on the desk, his room smelled like bread of course bread he was eating subway there was a huge turkey sandwich cut in half in front of me. Clark comes and sits on his desk chair but rolls it to the desk next to me and places his food there, healthy I see even an apple and water.

"You know I'm feeling like if your using me now." My eyes get wide and I sit Indian style on the desk or like my kindergarten teacher told me "criss-cross applesauce", and rotate myself his way. "I wasn't gonna come but then if I walk that way, my pass teachers would see me." He wipes the bread crumbs of his lips with his tongue and nods, "okay, anyway I don't mind, want sandwich?" He slides the other half under me, but I slide it back " I ate the exact same thing in lunch, thanks tho." He opens his water bottle and takes a sip, then bites the sandwich, "healthy much?" I ask jokingly, but his response was serious, "yes I do, I like being fit and in good condition." I just smile and shake my head, "I can tell" I eye his muscles.

"Apple?" I shake my head no, as soon as he bites the apple the juice came out and made it look like a juicy apple commercial or apple juice I don't know, when he places it down I do the unbelievable, I take the apple and bite it down and hard, the same juice effect happened as I bit it down the crunch was loud and I didn't see how sexual it seemed till he smirked at me, "I'm sorry just that it looked so tempting." He gets up and walks towards a basket I didn't know he had on the back with all the books and takes another apple, "it's ok I got more".

"There so good and so juicy where do you get them from, when my mom buys them there not this crunchy," I take another bite and flavor the piece. "I go to the Organic Farmers Market that is near my house, all the vegetables there are good too." My mini me startles "we should go and find where he lives" she says all stalker mode.

"Do you have any siblings?"he asks now, "no single child, well I would of had a younger sibling but my mom had a miscarriage" "o I'm sorry" he looked at me like if it mattered to him, like if he actually cared he didn't stop looking at me till I gave him a smile as if saying its ok. "So Clark married?" He gave me a weird look, "do you see a band on my finger?" I roll my eyes, "dating?" He stand to throw the sandwich rap away and comes back, "you sound like my mother, no, haven't found the one and it's complicated" I raise an eyebrow, "complicated, I see mostly all the female faculty up your butt and you say it's complicated", he smirks, "it's not in that way." I throw the bone of the apple in the trash and wipe my hand on my jeans, "ok."

I take out my phone and text Calvin:

To: Calvin 🏇🏼
I won't be in class sorry but I will go home with you like always
Wait for me ok, thank you Cal😘

"Sorry about calling you thru your house phone, it may had make you felt weird" ugh the awkward call. "It was at the moment but not anymore, now that I get to know you, you seem like if your cool", he places one hand on the back of his neck, now he does look like a model, I try hard to make it seem as if I'm not looking. "What was I before?" "Very teacher like."

"So I'm not teacher like now?" I pressure both my lips inwards and shake my head no.

"I can't believe you choose to stay there with him." Calvin and I took a little time to go get yogurt and come to the park. "Yes, I didn't want to go to my classes", I take a spoonful of yogurt. "Are you sure you don't like him? Like I said I saw yall pretty close in the hall last time, now your spending a whole day with him", Calvin seemed as if he was jealous or something I couldn't figure out why? It's teacher and student why so pist off?

"What's up your rectum?" I want to know his deal, he just shakes his head and turns to the little kids playing on the playground with their mothers gossiping or being overprotective. "I don't know Kaylie, I don't know, so your all ready for Saturday right?" I stand up and head towards the truck, I wasn't gonna be here with fake Calvin I want to know what he's not telling me and if he's gonna lie being ok then I don't want to be there with him.

He stands up and hops on the driver's side, madder than usual and we drive off.

"Kaylie I'm sorry" Calvin takes my hand before I get off, "I just want to know what's up that's it but you don't want to tell me, Calvin I've been there for you please trust me and if you don't tell me it makes me feel like it's about me, and if it is and it bothers you please tell me so I can fix it buddy's remember?" Before a blink of an eye, Calvin reaches the back of my head and pulls me towards him and takes me in a deep kiss, at first it was ruff but then I let myself go.

He pulled back and said, "sorry Kaylie and yes it's about you and I'll tell you tomorrow but don't be mad at me ok", "why would I get mad?" He runs a hand thru his hair and turns off the engine, "yes Kaylie I'm jealous ok, I heard a lot of shit from that guy, and I feel like you have something with him." I roll my eyes, "Calvin he's a teacher what would I do with a teacher?"

Still Calvin has a hard head and always thinks he's right, well mostly is. Maybe I do have something with Clark and I'm making it obvious, Calvin didn't believe me and started the engine, I couldn't let him go home mad at me, "I don't know ok whatever" I didn't want to get off the truck yet so I dragged myself across and let ourselves go into a make out session that I know he enjoyed, after I pulled away and reminded him, "he's a teacher I'm a student nothing more ok."

I know Calvin didn't believe me, but he's happy,at least he didn't go home mad. Mom was busy as usual she was in her office most of the day, I haven't seen her or talked to her, but I knew she was there by all the noise, it was too much racket for my mom to do she must be having a bad day. She ignored me when I said dinner was ready. So I decided to leave her alone and go shower.

After that I got a little hungry and went for a snack in the kitchen, right when I got the zebra cake out the box the house phone rang, I went over and answered, "hello?" It was silent at the other end, "hellooo?" I repeat again, "Lety where's Lety?" A dark voice says my mom's name, before I answer my mom takes the phone away from me and smashes it back to the holder.

I didn't bother to ask and she didn't bother to say, she just took me in a close hug and rubbed the top of my head.

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