My decision | Marshall x Everest

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There was a snowstorm coming to Adventure Bay. Everyone was alerted to stay inside their homes or buildings. But only Paw Patrol were out. They were looking around the city if everyone is inside, or help them get somewhere safe. One particular pup was helping on a mountain. They needed to get everyone on the ski park to safety, because if the snowstorm hits, it will surely be worse on the mountain than in the downtown. "Everest, do you see anybody?" Jake shouted. "No, but I'm gonna check!" She replied to him. It was starting to get more windy, but Everest went down the hill anyway. Her truck started to shake. It can lift me up, if more wind will come. But Everest didn't stop. As she rode down the hill, the wind came stronger and now she couldn't see anything. Great. She humbled to herself. She stopped the truck, jumped out, and went to the forest. "Hello? Anybody here stuck?" She shouted in the forest. She ran to the forest, but the storm threw something on her and knocked her up.

Meanwhile, in Adventure Bay, pups finished their job, and were now safe inside of the lookout. "Great job pups!" Ryder congratulates them and handed them hot drinks. They decided to just watch a movie till the snowstorm is gone. But one of them stayed behind. He was laying next to the doors while the others watched the movie. Chase noticed him laying there, so he went up to him. "Marshall, what's wrong? You left something out?" Chase asked his best friend. Marshall shook his head. "Then what's wrong?" He laid next to him. "It's just, ah, I don't even know. You see, Everest is up there, maybe in storm and I can go there and protect her." Chase looked at him without words. There was a silence between them. "E-Everest? So that's the one?" "W-What d-do you m-mean?" Marshall responded nervously. He didn't want the others to know that he has a crush on the mountain pup. "Come on Marshall. You can't deny it, you love Everest. I know that you try to hide it from everyone, but look, everytime we go up there to hang out as a team, you are always somewhat close to her." Marshall lowered his head. "Is it so obvious?" Marshall asked sad. "Well, I don't know buddy. Although I think I am the only one who noticed." Chase hugged his friend. "So come with me, we can look where is she." Marshall nodded and got up. They walked to the elevator and went up. They went over the big screen and looked at the map. "Where is she?" They both asked each other. They couldn't see Everest's pup tag on the map. "Pups, don't worry. It could just be signal interference. Let's go down." They heard Ryder behind them.

But she wasn't right. She woke up, not knowing where she was. "Where am I?" She said to herself. She tried to stand up. "Oww." She fell back to the ground. She looked at her paws. She got one paw broken. Oh well. What now? She looked around her. She was under a tree surrounded by rocks and snow. She was lucky to fall there. "Hello? Anybody here?" She shouted. No answer. She pressed her pup tag. "Where is it?" She couldn't feel the pup tag on her collar. Very lucky me. But she was relieved. She still got her pup pack, which had the necessary things to survive in this kind of situation. She grabbed the pup pack and laid it down in front of her. She opened it and tried to find the box with the stuff, but instead, she found a bag of treats. How did this get in here? She looked closely at the bag. There was written 'Marshall and Everest treats with the most random flavors'. She remembered what are they.


"Marshall nooo!" She ran away from him. They were trying to cook something. "Come here, Everest!" He chased after her. He had an egg splattered on his paw and flour all over his head. He then eventually thatched her, but they both fell down. "Got you!" He touched her with the egg on his paw. "Aw man, my fur." They both laughed and went back to the kitchen. "But these actually look good!" Marshall said. "Yes, of course. We made them. They must be great." They both tasted couple. "Let's hide them before Rubble comes here and eats them," Marshall suggested. "Okay, I'm gonna wash..." She looked at herself "...whatever I have on my fur." Marshall nodded and she ran to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Marshall was packing in specially designed bags. He then saw her suit and pup pack. He grabbed one of the bags, and carefully hid it inside. "Where is the one?" Everest asked him. There were supposed to be 10, but minus that one is 9. "I-I ate it." Marshall lied. 

Flashback end:

"So Marshall hid it here, he didn't eat it!" She opened the bag and grabbed a couple of them and ate it. She tried to carefully move, but her paw still hurt. But she managed to get up and moved to an opening in the rocks. There was still a snowstorm happening. Hope this will end soon. Then it hit her. "Wait, somebody could still be in the forest!" She screamed and tried to get out of the 'cave'. But her paw was hurting so bad. Oh wow, I hope that everyone is safe.

Sure was. Everyone was safe inside their homes. But Marshall knew, something was odd. The sun was coming down, so there will be no light outside. Am I risking my life for this? He was wearing his suit and an EMT pack and sneaked out of the lookout. The snowstorm slowed down for a while, but it could get even worse. He got in his truck and rode to Jake's mountain. As he rode up to the mountain, the storm was slowing down. Great, more time to look! He got from his truck and ran everywhere. He didn't care that it was freezing, he just wanted to find Everest. Marshall called Jake. "Hey Jake, do you know where Everest is?" "Hey Marshall, she's righ- Where is she? I- She isn't here!" Marshall was now sadder. "And do you know where she could be?" "No idea, but she told me that she will look down the hi-" Marshall cut the call, got on his truck, and rode down the hill.

Everest made a small fire pit next to the rocks so she would be warm. Those months living in a warm cabin changed me. She thought to herself. Even though she was a husky, she couldn't stand the very low temperatures now. She laid next to it to warm herself up and slowly went to sleep. I hope that storm goes away tomorrow, I miss Jake, I miss Paw Patrol, and I miss Marshall. She closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep.

The fire pup was freezing but he didn't care. He even turned off his pup tag to stop Ryder from calling him and distracting him. He went over the small hill that was in the forest but slipped and hit his head in the tree. "Owww" Marshall whined. He got up and noticed something. There was some kind of a bunker next to that tree. He ran there and found what he was looking for. Everest. She was asleep and smiling, and that all mattered to him. He got in, packed her things up, and put her and her things on him. "Let's get you to Katie before the storm arrives again." He quietly said. He was lucky because if the husky sleeps, the husky will sleep for how long it wants.

Sometime later:

Everest opened her eyes. "Oh, hi Everest!" Katie shouted at her. "It was all a dream?" Everest asked confused. She was now in Katie's parlor and vet. "What dream?" "That I was in a snowstorm hurt and lost." Katie smiled. "Oh no, it wasn't a dream." "Then how did I get in here?" Just as Katie was going to explain, Ryder walked in. "Hey Everest, good to see you again." He hugged her. "Hi Ryder, did you and the pups find me?" "Well, not actually us." Everest looked at him again. "It was the pup that is behind this wall. He was so cold and nearly frozen to death." "Can I go there?" Katie stepped in. "No, you must lay here till your paw heals up. You are lucky that you didn't step too much on it, otherwise, it could be more fatal." Everest nodded. They both got out of the room, but Ryder stopped. "I'll give you a hint. You have feelings for him." And he left. No way that was Marshall! She thought to herself. She just laid there and thought about if it was him, and how to repay him for rescuing her. 

The next day:

"Okay, now you can walk, but still, no running or rescuing for 2 weeks!" Katie said to Everest. "I understand, can I go see him now?" Katie let out a whine. "I mean, if you want, you can. I think you are too much for him. But he deserves you as a fr-" And Katie saw her running away from the room to another. Everest jumped on the chair that was near the bed and gasped. There was Marshall, everywhere he had bruises, on his head was plaster and he was sleeping. Oh my god! Everest hated what she saw. She loved Marshall but hated seeing him like this. "It was all my fault! I shouldn't have gone out on my own in a middle of a snowstorm. This happened to you because of me! I'm really sorry Marshall, I love you." She held on to his paw and cried.

"I-It wasn't b-because of y-you Everest," Marshall said in his sleepy voice. Everest shot her head up and immediately hugged him. "No, it was. I shouldn't have come there." "It was my decision to go up there to meet you. I didn't know that you were lost, and neither did anyone from Paw Patrol." Marshall said to her. "So you risked my life to save me?" Marshall nodded. "Anytime, without hesitation." Marshall grabbed her paw now. "And that sentence, do you really l-like me?" "No, I don't like you," Everest replied. Marshall let down her paw and looked down. Everest grabbed his head and pulled it up. She leaned to him and kissed him. They both enjoyed this moment together. She pulled apart and hugged Marshall. "I love you my Marshmallow."

Written : 17.3.2022
Published : 17.3.2022

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