She is my pup! | Ryder x Katie

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Hey there! A person with no life and now on 3 coffees is bringing you another chapter!

It was midnight in Adventure Bay. No one was out, everyone was sleeping. But far from the town, arguing two pups could be heard.

"STOP PRETENDING YOU ARE THE BEST!" Gasket shouted at their 'leader'. 

"OR WHAT? YOU GONNA DO WHAT? YOU AND YOUR PAST! NO ONE WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU! YOU WILL DIE OUT THERE ALONE!" Hubcap shouted at Gasket. They were arguing about the motorcycle that Gasket was upgrading when it randomly started and drove to the rock.

"FINE THEN. I'LL LEAVE IF YOU WANT!" Gasket shouted and walked away. She knew that this would happen one day. That she will leave the Ruff Ruff Pack. That she will have a big argument one day with Hubcap. She sighed and continued walking.

She didn't know where is she going, but she was walking for about 2 hours. Just then, a snowstorm came. Great, really great. She looked around herself and found a cave. She ran inside it. Phew. She looked in the cave. It was really small but she saw some wood at the other end. I could try to make a fire so I don't freeze to death! She thought to herself. She picked up the wood, placed it around like a fire pit, and tried to ignite a piece of it on her pup pack. After some tries, she got it. She laid down and thought where will she go next.

Adventure Bay

"Thanks for the grooming, Katie!" Everest said to Katie. She was in her per parlor to get her fur groomed. 

"No problem Everest. Glad you like it." She responded to the husky, as she ran away. She sat down in her chair. Even though she has the job she ever wanted, the friends that she loves, she was still sad. Seeing the other owners with their pups made her happy, but she was still sad. Her cat, Cali, jumped on her and curled up.

"Oh, you know how to cheer someone up." She laughed. Just then, someone came through the front doors. Katie got up to see who was it. It was no one other than...

"Hey Katie, how are you doing?" Ryder asked her. 

"Hi, I'm doing great! I finished grooming Everest a while ago. What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I just came to check my friend, that's all." He responded to her. But unknowingly to her, he had other plans.

"Just to meet me? Oh please, I could easily come to the lookout if you called me." Katie smiled at him. 

"Well, I, uh, want-" He was cut by the ringing of his pup pad. 

"Yes, Marshall?" "Ryder, a snowstorm is coming here, and you know what happened last time when you were out. Could you come back?" He smiled and nodded. He hung up on his pup, waved at Katie, and ran out. Well, that was fast. Katie walked to the window to see the snowstorm coming. She sat on the chair again and thought, about why she was sad. Is Ryder the reason?

She then fell asleep, after a long day. 


"Hey Katie, we'll be back in a few minutes!" Katie heard her parents say as they were leaving to the shop. She was playing in her room with her pup, Anelli. She was grooming her fur, just for fun. She loved taking care of pets very much. 

"Hey Katie, could you scratch my ears?" Anelli asked. The young Katie scratched her ears. Just then, they heard a loud bang. 

"W-What was that?" Katie asked and hugged her pup. They were both really scared. Just then, they heard footsteps coming towards her room. She tried not to scream. But the door opened and there was a figure standing. 

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