Deserted desert | Rocky x Gasket

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Ah, nothing like a nice walk around Adventure Bay. Rocky thought to himself, as he walked up a hill bordering Adventure Bay with desert.

The desert was famous for many things, mainly for its unusual location, and the number of relics in it. Of course, it was already occupied by many companies or just individuals. It has even its own railway tracks, with its own train.

Rocky looked over Adventure Bay and also over the desert. He always found something in the desert, that being said he never came with an empty truck from there. Either it was just scraps of metal, or sometimes a working engine, he picked it up. Standing by his words "don't lose it, reuse it", the stuff always found a place in something, be it a simple launcher, or a drone.

Maybe I could find the engine from the satellite that fell down last week. He thought to himself, and jogged back down the hill towards his truck, jumped inside, and drove towards the desert.

Okay, now remember where did it ruffly land. Rocky said to himself as he passed some rocks, heading towards one of the canyons.

After some time of driving around, he saw something metal in a hole in the canyon. He drove there and jumped out of his truck. Will I even fit inside? He thought as he looked down the hole. It was the engine he was looking for.

He risked it and jumped in the hole, which was a bad idea. As soon as he touched the ground, he was lifted up by a net, for a few feet.

"What?" He said, obviously surprised at the sudden thing that happened. After a second, a bell started ringing from the contraption that he didn't see.

Great, I am screwed. He thought to himself. Just then, he heard two loud and crappy engines coming closer to him. He faced the direction it was coming from and saw two motorcycles already driving past his truck.

"Oh no, it's that trash dog." He heard as they came closer.

Oh great, just great. He said to himself, as he kept hanging in the air.

"How stupid this trasher must be to fall for a simple trap. Great work Gasket." Hubcap said as he jumped into the hole. As soon as Hubcap thanked Gasket, Rocky smiled.

In the few months stopping them from destroying things, he acknowledged that Gasket was smart. But anyone, who has bad tools, and bad parts will make broken and not working devices. That being said, he gave it a few minutes till the device broke, and he will be released.

"Yeah, no problem," Gasket said, and jumped back onto her motorcycle and drove away, which was surprising for Rocky.

"So, you trash dog, I will just take this," Hubcap said, and suddenly he snatched Rocky's pup tag off his collar. I guess Ryder will need to make me a new one. "So you can't call your doggy friends."

Hubcap jumped back into the motorcycle he shared with Dwayne, who drove away. Rocky just waited for the moment that the device fails.

Which didn't come.

A few hours later

Rocky was trying to fall asleep, but being night outside, meaning it was cold, and the net wasn't comfortable. He sighed, hoping the moment will come, but also losing that hope.

He had no way of calling Ryder or anyone, and his truck had broken navigation. In other words, only his pup tag would be capable of helping him.

I will get shouted at for sure. He sighed. How could I really fall for a simple trap like this? 

Just then, he saw a small beam of light coming closer to him. He had no energy to face the direction. But suddenly, he was descending with the net, and in a moment, his paws were back on the ground.

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