Blow it up!

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So, because it's the New Year (some of you may be already passed that, some not) I want to wish you all a happy New Year, and good luck with the next year.
For some, this year wasn't that perfect (the war on Ukraine, which surprisingly I was affected by too; the worldwide illness; etc., but we must hope the next one will be better.

Anyway, enjoy this one-shot, which, again, will be mysterious...

The day finally came, the 31st of December. The end of the year is here, and so is the day when people celebrate the end of it with all kinds of stuff; alcohol, barbecue, movies...

or fireworks.

That was the goal of the local rescue team in Adventure Bay to do; sell safe fireworks. Given that the town was in Florida, all fireworks manufacturers may have been selling dangerous items. Given that the team wanted to celebrate New Year too, they wanted to lower the possibility of having them go and put out a fire. But they wouldn't mind at all if something like that would happen.

"Man, these boxes are beaten like hell." A gray pup said as he was pushing a box with fireworks to the table. "How can you even send it like this?"

"A lot of delivery companies destroy the packages as well." A brown one, who was organizing and checking the fireworks said. "After all, I expected a lot worse, given that these all came from some company in China."

"Chase? There's one that is already opened." The brown pup heard from his pup tag.

"Put it inside the bin that's there, I wouldn't even trust one," Chase said, as he pressed a button on his tag. "Rocky, how many boxes are here?"

"At least three outside, and the next 7 are on the way from Adventure City with Al. And I believe we have 4 in the lookout. Well, three now." Rocky responded. "And we didn't even start selling yet."

"We just need to wait till Mayor Goodway comes and checks it. But when will she come is a mystery." Chase said. "Man, I am exhausted."

"Guys!" They both suddenly heard from a white spotty pup. "We have a slight problem."

"What is it, Marshall?" Chase asked.

"Well, you see..." He started but was stopped by a person walking in. It wasn't their owner or the mayor. 

"Ah sweet! You are already packing it up for me." The girl said as she walked in.

"Wait, they aren't for you, Codi," Chase said, looking her straight in her eyes.

"And for who else? I am offering to buy them all." Codi said, looking around.

"No, we can't just sell you everything," Chase said, coming closer to her. "We are trying to make this New Year safe, and for everyone."

"Everyone means even me?" Codi asked, to which Chase nodded.

"Yes, even you can buy some, but only after we open," Chase said. "Now out." 

She walked outside and away from the place. Chase sighed and stepped outside too. 

"Guys, I am going to Mr. Porters, want some hot chocolate," Chase said and walked to the Paw Patroller, which as he walked closer to it, already was open and had his cruiser ready to launch. He jumped in and drove towards the restaurant.

As he got there, he jumped out and walked towards one of the seats with a small fireplace on the table. He hopped up and opened the small menu, finding himself the treat he wanted.

"Ah, Chase! What can I get you?" Mr. Porter said as he walked to Chase.

"Hot white chocolate, please." He said and closed the menu. Mr. Porter nodded and walked inside. Chase was just sitting there and trying to regain some energy back. Even though looking through fireworks if they are safe or not doesn't sound hard, it was.

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