Lightbulb | Chase x Sweetie

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This is it. Today. Today I'll do it. Sweetie said to herself as she stared into the mirror, admiring herself. She wasn't wearing anything special, just a wool collar because it started snowing in Adventure Bay, because of Christmas that was a few days prior. She looked out of the room they were staying in with the princess.

"Wow, I never saw you with that thing. When did you buy it?" Princess asked her pup to which she smiled.

"I made it myself. That's why I have the new collar." Sweetie said, revealing the new purplish collar covered in sapphires. "I accidentally sewed the last one together the first time, so that went out, and I finally made this."

The princess giggled but let it go. She got up from the chair and took her bag.

"We need to go Sweetie." She said to the terrier as she nodded, jumping down from the wooden stool she was on. Sweetie, despite everything, has never been on the lookout.

They both got outside their hotel, where they saw the snow lying on the road. Sweetie slightly shook as the wind touched her ears. She knew they would walk all the way to the lookout, but at least it wasn't hot.

"Oh, there they are," Princess said and looked in the direction of two pups walking to them. "Hello, Zuma and Ella."

"Hello, your majesty and Sweetie," Ella said to them. "It's our pleasure to escort you to the lookout." 

"Awww, you two are so adorable!" Princess squeaked in happiness. Sweetie just smiled at them, knowing the two already. Zuma walked over to the princess, indicating they need to go. The group started moving, Zuma and princess in lead, with Ella and Sweetie behind.

"Hi Sweetie, how are ya?" Ella said to the terrier. She wore a winter hat and a long scarf.

"Could be better, I didn't eat breakfast yet." Sweetie giggled. "But other than that happy to visit them."

"They are happy to see you two as well," Ella said. But not as one pup seeing you. Ella thought as they were already on the bridge. 

They all got into the driveway, where they saw Ryder standing and waiting, presumably for them. Princess went over to Ryder to greet him and the three went past them inside the lookout.

"Oh, already here? Hello!" Rocky shouted from the top of a ladder as he was doing something, which alerted the other pups. The rest of them got closer to the three when Sweetie noticed someone missing.

"Hi, Sweetie. Merry late Christmas." Everest said first and gave a hug to her. Sweetie was slightly surprised by the touch, only to get a few more, the biggest one from Ella surprisingly. Just then, she just heard a muffled scream and glass shattering very close to her, and she blacked out.

Ugh, why does my head hurt so much? She woke up and rubbed her head when she felt some plasters and a bandage. She slowly opened her eyes when she saw she was in the lookout, in their mission control room, and laying on a beanbag. 

"Good morning Sweetie." She heard a familiar voice coming from the other side of the giant beanbag, immediately knowing who it was. Oh. My. God.

"H-Hi Chase." She stuttered, nervous in the presence of the german shepherd. She noticed he had fluffy ears as if he was just out of a bath. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked, rubbing her back in comfort, while Sweetie was trying to hide her crimson red cheeks on her fluffy fur.

"Awful. My head hurts." "Many shards have touched your head, Sweetie, many," Chase said, to which Sweetie wide opened her eyes.

"What?" That was all she could say. Chase looked down as if he was sad.

"As you came here, Rocky was up on the ladder, fixing a lightbulb. But the one spare that he had in his pup pack fell out. When I came back from the town and saw you, I immediately run to greet you, but I was too late and the bulb fell really fast. I only screamed to which you actually twitched your ears." Chase explained the situation that happened. Sweetie was surprised that Chase wanted to meet her.

"And then?" "I--" Was all that Chase could get out of him. She noticed in the corner of her eye that his cheeks slightly turned shade.

"--carried you up here and with Marshall took out the shards that were stuck." He said and pointed at a towel underneath them, with the words 'My tears'. Sweetie was shocked at what Chase had done for her, even if he didn't need to.

"Thanks, Chase," Sweetie said, trying to sound friendly, but to Chase, it sounded only lovable. "You have really cute ears now by the way." Chase touched his ears to notice he still had shampoo on his ears.

"I was in the bathroom for a good hour." He said and reached for something. He gave the item to Sweetie. "I saw that it was covered in blood, both the collar and your wool collar, so I washed them."

"You didn't have to, but, why are your ears fluffy?" Sweetie asked to which his cheeks turned even redder.

"I w-washed y-you." He said, looking somewhere else. Sweetie was again surprised, and embarrassed.

"Y-You w-washed m-me?" "Y-Yeah. I couldn't let you be with that blood on you." "W-Wow, thanks, Chase. For taking care of me."

He just smiled and continued looking out of the window. 

"You know, I'm going to sound like a perv, but, you are really cute when you were all cleaned up. That fluffy fur, paws, ears." Chase said out of nowhere.

"Am I? Because I think I look like garbage sometimes." "And you shouldn't. You could--" He stopped for a moment, "--lure many guys into being with you."

Sweetie looked at Chase for a moment. Why is he acting like this? He took care of me and all, and then this? Is...he sad that I want to be with someone?

"Good one. But no, I don't want that, and no one wants to be with me." She said and laid her head on her paws. "Although if we talk like this now, I'll say the truth; I have my eyes on someone." 

"I'm sure the one just looks into your crystal magenta eyes and falls in love with you, just like I di--" He quickly covered his mouth and stood up and walked out of the room, leaving red Sweetie on the beanbag with many questions. She got up and slowly made her way to the balcony, on which was Chase. She took a deep breath and walked to him. You got this.

"Chase, I--" She said as Chase was going to walk away again, as she caught him by a collar. Chase fought with her for a moment, till he gave up and Sweetie let him go.

"Chase, I am not angry. You don't need to leave." Sweetie said, and got closer to him.

"But, I showered with you, laid next to you, and now I told you what I did." "And why?" "What do you mean why?"

"Chase, why did you shower with me? To wash me up, I am grateful for that. Why did you lay next to me? To keep me company? Maybe. And why did you say what you said?" Sweetie said, hoping he will say it again.

"Because I love you," Chase said, looking in the terrier's eyes and waiting for a rejection. But he was surprised by the sudden kiss from Sweetie.

"I love you too Chase. And, just to ask. Have you done anything...mature to me?" "No, never. Never without you saying yes." Chase immediately snapped to which Sweetie grinned.

"It was Christmas, and I did not give you a present. Another shower?" "This is why I love you." 

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