I forgive you | Chase x Sweetie

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It was the day. The day she will say that he loves him. Sweetie changed her behaviors and became friends with the Paw Patrol. But with one of them, she made a very good friend. Even though she changed and never stole something again, it meant nothing to some people, like her owner princess. "Chase will be here any moment now, you won't trick him to steal the crown again, understood?" Sweetie jumped in her bed. 

"B-But I-"     "Shut. Up. I know that you will use the chance that I will be gone for some time, but if you steal something, you will pay for it." Princess slapped her. 

Sweetie whined from the pain. "Lucy, please, stop." "I told you not to call me by my name! You can if you change!" Princess screamed at her. 

"B-But I changed." "No, you did not. You just fake it. Now I need to go. Bye." She said and left. 

The castle was empty. Only one living thing was in it. On the floor next to the stairs. Sweetie was crying. Why doesn't she trust me? Why doesn't she love me? I tried to change, but for nothing I see. 

"Hey, are you alright Sweetie?" Sweetie jumped up when she heard the voice. Chase. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." "No, you aren't. You've been crying, what happened?" Chase asked her curious. Sweetie lowered her head. 

"Can you let me go to bed, please?" Sweetie asked quietly. Chase nodded and let her go into her room. Did someone do something to her? Why was she crying? Thoughts ran through Chase's head. 

Why am I even still here? I should just leave, the princess will be much happier. Sweetie cried on her bed now. She couldn't keep up with the daily bullying by her own owner. I wish I had a perfect owner like Chase and the others. Just then she heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Chase opened the door and walked in. 

"Sweetie, don't hide it from me, I know something is wrong." Chase jumped up on the bed and sat next to her. Sweetie didn't say anything. 

"You know what? If I tell you why am I sad sometimes, you will tell me what is wrong, okay?" Sweetie looked up and nodded. 

"Great! I'll go first. Even though I love someone else, I still miss Skye. She could have returned by now, but she had the same expressions like the last time. But we were really good friends." Sweetie stayed there silent. Is this the reason I didn't see her last time they were here

"W-Wow, I didn't know she was thrown out of the team." Chase sighed. "Yeah, it's sad. Ryder almost fell, she nearly killed tourists on mountain and me, she 'accidentally' blew up Zuma's truck and the worst part of it, she took my truck and drove it into the water, while I was there sleeping." He showed Sweetie his bruises of the fall on the small beach and to the water. 

"I'm sorry to hear that." "What was then, isn't now. Now, your turn." Sweetie took a deep breath. "But promise me, that you won't say to anyone." Chase nodded. 

"Every day, I get bullied by the princess, and I just can't bear with it anymore. It hurts to see that you have a perfect owner that loves you, plays with you, takes care of you, and me? Everyone would say that as a royal pup I'll get everything that I want. But it is all a lie. Princess's love for me is gone, forever." As she finished saying it, Chase moved to her and hugged her. She was surprised at first but hugged him too. 

"Don't worry Sweetie, everything will be okay. We will figure this out." Sweetie then moved from him. "N-No..." Chase stared at her. "You won't figure it out. I don't wanna lose a friend like you. I'm so grateful for you, Chase." "Why should you lose me? I will just talk with princess and Ryd-" Sweetie put her paw on his mouth. 

"No, just, I don't want her to hurt you." Chase moved her paw off his mouth. "Okay then, as you say." "Thank you, Chase." She leaned to him and hugged him.

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