Tinkering with feelings (pt.2) | Marshall x Everest

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Marshall slowly arrived at the lookout, depressed and with tears in his eyes. He still didn't get over that his crush don't love him. But he always wanted the best for her. Maybe I am just not the one she wants. Maybe I am not enough for her. 

Marshall parked his truck and entered his pup house. He saw a picture of him and Everest as they were playing freeze tag. It gave him a smile. He placed it back where it was and walked over to the entrance of the lookout.

He opened the door and there was no one. Weird, normally there is at least TV playing. He walked inside and entered the elevator. He rode it up. The TV there was on, and it had the PupPupBoogie game on. He walked to it. I could play one game, just for fun. He pressed a button and started dancing. Just then, the power went off. He looked around.


He jumped in shock. The lights turned on and he saw Ryder, his friends, and some of the citizens.

"Happy birthday Marshall!" Ryder said as he hugged him. Everyone went to him and hugged him. But it didn't lighten up his mood. He faked his smile to not disappoint the others. Ryder then gave him his present. Marshall opened it, and it was a brand new collar. Marshall thanked him. Then the others gave him their gifts. But Marshall still felt empty. 

After a while, they were just chatting and eating the snacks. Marshall was suddenly grabbed by a white paw. He turned around and saw Sweetie.

"Hey there." He said. He then saw Chase behind her. He walked to him and hugged him.

"Happy birthday Marshall." He said and gave him a small box. Marshall thanked him.

"Yes, happy birthday Marshall," Sweetie said and carefully hugged him. Marshall, despite being Chase's best friend, still wasn't used to hugging his mate. They talked for a while, but then Chase saw him faking his smile. He nudged Sweetie to give her a hint to stop talking. She moved away and Chase grabbed him to the balcony.

"What is it, Chase?" Marshall asked, still trying to hide his tears. He didn't want to be at that party.

"Marshall, you are like my brother. I see that you are sad, something worries you?" Chase asked. Marshall then finally gave up and started crying. Chase hugged him tightly. He didn't know what was wrong but wanted to comfort him.

Marshall did everything, that made Chase the pup that he is now. He helped him with everything, supported him through the toughest times, and he was the push he needed to ask Sweetie out. He owed him his life.

"Chase, s-she d-doesn't l-love m-me..." Marshall cried on his shoulder. Then it hit Chase. The picnic. I thought Everest loves him more than he does...

"It'll be okay Marshall. Try not to think of it today, okay? It's your birthday, after all, so you should be happy." Chase tried to cheer him up, but no luck.

"No, I really don't feel like partying. I'll go for a walk, okay?" Chase nodded and Marshall left to the elevator, confusing everyone that saw him.

He walked through a forest, to a special place. It was another cliffside, but on this, it was his first rescue. It brought the old memories to him. Being the only two pups along with Ryder, then finding the rest in the years, to finding Everest in the North Pole. That was the time he fell for her. 

He saw the husky, as the wind blew her fur, like a diamond. He couldn't get his eyes from her. From that time, he tried to spend as much time as he could with her. It was devastating when after a weekend that Everest visited the town, she left back to the mountain. It was a recurring issue that the two couldn't spend much time together. Even when Marshall planned that he will ask her for dinner when they come to Barkingburg, everything was canceled due to the Duke stealing the special gem.

He arrived at the place and laid down, looking over the mountains. He wanted to rewind everything from today. He wanted to keep Everest as his friend. He would hide the feelings toward her, it was easier than not having a chance to be around her.

Everest ran to the lookout. She heard loud music from it, so she just entered the elevator and rode up. She looked around and saw a small number of people, just talking or dancing to the music. But she couldn't find him. 

If it wasn't for Marshall, she wouldn't even consider coming there. She wanted to apologize to Marshall, for what she said. She knew she lied, and that it needed to be repaired. 

Everest then saw Chase and Sweetie, on the balcony, talking. Chase probably knows where he is. She walked over to him. By the time she came there, she saw a drunk Ryder, dancing with, probably drunk too, Katie. She came there and gained the two's attention.

"Hi Chase, do you know where Marshall is?" Everest asked him. He shrugged.

"Hey. He said he is going for a quick walk, I don't know where." He said. "Well, maybe I do." He then remembered the place Marshall cherish so much. "It's a cliffside on the North Mountain Range. There aren't a lot of trees, so you should see him." He explained the route to Everest as she ran away. She knew she was the one who did something wrong, and she was the one who needed to repair it. 

As she came to the place Chase described to her, she started looking around. It was getting darker and darker. Shouldn't be finding a hot and cute pup this hard. She walked around and just then, she found what she was looking for. Marshall, laying down on the cliffside. She carefully walked over to him.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to come," Marshall said, while still looking straight. She didn't know how he knew she was there.

"Marshall, I kn-" "Hold on." He said as he got up and faced Everest.

"Everest, it hurts me to know that I was the one who broke our friendship. I'll be happy if we forget about that dinner, okay?" He said, looking at her.

"It hurts me too, but I came here to repair everything," Everest said. Marshall looked away and moved slightly backward.

"And how? Everest, I now know that you don't love me, heck, I even know why. My feelings towards you will never change, but at least can we be friends." He looked back at her, tears in his eyes. He handed her a paw to shake. Everest tried to not cry but failed.

"NO Marshall, I love you. I love you with my whole heart but was stupid to say that I don't. I can't live without you close to me. Marshall, please, forgive me." Everest cried as she emptied her heart. Just then, she kissed him. She waited for the reject but was surprised by his paws hugging her and pulling her towards him. Then, Marshall broke it.

"Y-You really love me?" She giggled at it and touch his nose with hers. "I really do love you Marshy." She said as they leaned for another kiss. 

"Let's go back, so we don't worry them to death," Marshall said while having Everest cuddled with him. She nodded.

"I'm thankful for you Marshy." She said. "And I'm thankful for you Eve." He kissed her cheek as they both walked towards the town.

Literally had tears in my eyes as I was writing this chapter, dunno why. It wasn't that sad, was it? :/

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