Unknown liking | Rocky x Liberty

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"Let's go pups!" Ryder shouted from Paw Patroller. Pups ran inside a got ready for the drive. They are visiting Adventure City because they needed to fix some broken parts on the lookout there. But one of them was really sad about going anywhere. Rocky was sad for quite some time when he was really badly rejected by one pup he met. He was doing everything she said, but she just rejected him, because 'he isn't looking good'. They knew that it devastated Rocky, and Ryder said he needs to rest for some time. But they thought taking him for a trip will only make him better. Zuma comforted him from the day. They were really good friends. 

"Wocky, you need to move on fwom hew." Zuma told his friend. Rocky really tried, but no luck. They were now arriving in Adventure City. Rocky got up and look out of the window. He saw Liberty on her motorbike coming near them. He sighed and sit back down. Zuma was really worried about Rocky. They arrived at the lookout, and Liberty was standing next to the entrance. "Hey, friends!" She screamed. She seemed so happy to see them. 

But unknowingly to them, Liberty was really happy to see one particular pup. Rocky. She wanted to meet him but didn't have the chance. 

"Hey, Liberty!" They all shouted at her. They were happy to see each other.

"Come on pups, the movie is starting!" Ryder shouted at the pups. It was really dark and they couldn't work on the repairs. They all ran to Ryder. But Rocky was slowly walking to them. Liberty noticed him and ran to him. "Rocky, what's wrong?" She asked him. "Don't worry about me Liberty." He said and walked to the window. Liberty walked next to him. "Come on, you are never this sad. Something's wrong." She sat beside him. Rocky just sighed. "Really, Liberty. I'm fine. Go watch the movie with them." She moved closer to him. "I won't go away till you tell me what's wrong." He looked at her eyes. He blushed when he noticed how close she is. "I-I just, I had a crush on one pup I met in Adventure Bay. But when I told her that I have a crush on her, she rejected me. I still can't get over it." She was shocked when she heard that. "But I just can't get her out of my head." She thought about something. 

She nuzzled him. "But what if I could get you to forget about her?" He looked at her. She was smiling. Why is she so beautiful? No Rocky, stop! She will do the same to you! But then she got up and kissed him. He was shocked. She then quickly pulled from him. "D-Does this make you forget about her?" Rocky nodded in surprise. "Glad that I helped. Now, can we g-" He kissed her. She melted in the kiss. She was super happy that he finally kissed her. When they pulled away, Rocky looked down. "I-I'm sorry how I-I reacted." Liberty just moved to him and nuzzled him. "Why does it matter? I'm not mad." "Y-You aren't?" She nodded. "I really wanted to kiss you for some time." Rocky blushed. She nuzzled him. "Liberty, I know that you might reject me for how do I look. But I wanted to tell you that I l-like y-you." "And why should I reject you? I like you from the very first time I saw you." He hugged her. "S-So, would you like to be my g-gi-" "Of course Rocky!" He then finally smiled for the first time in a while. 

Written : 20.3.2022
Published : 21.3.2022

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